首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Differential Geometry >Laplacian eigenvalues and distances between subsets of a manifold

Laplacian eigenvalues and distances between subsets of a manifold


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In this paper we give a new method to convert results dealing with graph theoretic (or Markov chain) Laplacians into results concerning Laplacians in analysis, such as on Riemannian manifolds. We illustrate this method by using the results of [6] to prove λ_1 ≤ 1/(dist)~2(X,Y)(cosh~(-1)((μX~cμY~c)/(μXμY))~(1/2))~2. for λ_1 the first positive Neumann eigenvalue on a connected compact Riemannian manifold, and X, Y any two disjoint sets (and where X~c is the complement of X). This inequality has a version for the k-th positive eigen-value (involving K + 1 disjoint sets), and holds more generally for all "analytic" Laplacians described in [6]. We show that this linequality is optimal "to first order," in that it is impossible to obtain an inequality of this form with the right-hand-side divided by 1 + ∈ for any fixed constant ∈ > 0.
机译:在本文中,我们提供了一种新的方法,将结果转换为与图形理论(或马尔可夫链)拉普拉斯人转换为有关Laplacians在分析中的结果的结果,例如Riemannian歧管。 我们通过使用[6]的结果来说明该方法,以证明λ_1≤1/(dist)〜2(x,y)(cosh〜(-1)((μx〜cμy〜c)/(μxμm))〜( 1/2))〜2。 对于λ_1连接的紧凑型riemannian歧管上的第一个正面neumann特征值,x,y任意两个不相交的集合(以及其中x〜c是x的补充)。 这种不平等具有K-TH正面值(涉及K + 1个不相交集)的版本,并且更普遍地保持[6]中描述的所有“分析”拉普拉斯人。 我们表明,这种行为是最佳的“至第一阶”,因为不可能通过右手侧除以任何固定常数∈> 0的右侧侧除以1 +∈的这种形式的不等式。



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