首页> 外文期刊>Journal of crop science and Biotechnology >Diversity Assessment of Drought Tolerant Exotic and Adapted Maize (Zea mays L.) Inbred Lines with Microsatellite Markers

Diversity Assessment of Drought Tolerant Exotic and Adapted Maize (Zea mays L.) Inbred Lines with Microsatellite Markers

机译:具有微卫星标记的抗旱异种和适应玉米(Zea mays L.)近交系的多样性评估

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Knowledge about the genetic diversity within a germplasm allows for a more effective and efficient use of resources for crop improvement programs. Diversity assessment of 48 tropical drought-tolerant maize inbreds, 24 each from CIMMYT and IITA, was carried out with microsatellite markers to determine the genetic divergence between the two groups of maize inbred lines. Eighty-one polymorphic SSR markers were used for the assessment. Results showed that the average number of alleles per locus was 3.7.The mean polymorphic information content (PIC) was 0.51 whereas the average modified Roger's genetic distance (MRD) was 0.49. The mean genetic distance estimates between the CIMMYT and IITA lines were higher than the mean genetic distance among IITA lines or among CIMMYT lines. The average linkage cluster analysis separated the lines into two broad groups along institutional lines. The observed sub-groups within each main group were reflections of the relationships of the lines based on pedigree records. The Fst value of 19.5% reflects a high level of genetic differentiation between the two groups of lines. The results highlighted the presence of appreciable genetic divergence between CIMMYT and IITA lines that can be exploited for superior hybrid maize development.
机译:关于种质内遗传多样性的知识允许更有效和有效地利用作物改善计划的资源。用微卫星标记进行CIMMYT和IITA的48个热带耐旱玉米血统的多样性评估,每种热带和IITA进行,以确定两组玉米自交系之间的遗传分歧。八十一体多态性SSR标记用于评估。结果表明,每个基因座的平均等位基因数为3.7。平均多态信息含量(PIC)为0.51,而平均修饰的罗杰的遗传距离(MRD)为0.49。 CIMMYT和IITA系之间的平均遗传距离估计高于IITA线或CIMMYT线之间的平均遗传距离。平均联系聚类分析将线路分成两种广泛的组织线。每个主要组内的观察到的子组是基于谱系记录的线路关系的反映。 FST值为19.5%反映了两组线之间的高水平遗传分化。结果强调了CIMMYT和IITA系之间的明显遗传分歧的存在,可以利用卓越的杂交玉米发育。



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