首页> 外文期刊>Journal of community health >Tracking Success: Outputs Versus Outcomes-A Comparison of Accredited and Non-Accredited Public Health Agencies' Community Health Improvement Plan objectives

Tracking Success: Outputs Versus Outcomes-A Comparison of Accredited and Non-Accredited Public Health Agencies' Community Health Improvement Plan objectives

机译:追踪成功:产出与结果 - 对认可和非认证的公共卫生机构社区健康改善计划目标的比较

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With funding for public health initiatives declining, creating measurable objectives that are focused on tracking and changing population outcomes (i.e., knowledge, attitudes, or behaviors), instead of those that are focused on health agencies' own outputs (e.g., promoting services, developing communication messages) have seen a renewed focus. This study analyzed 4094 objectives from the Community Health Improvement Plans (CHIPs) of 280 local PHAB-accredited and non-accredited public health agencies across the United States. Results revealed that accredited agencies were no more successful at creating outcomes-focused objectives (35% of those coded) compared to non-accredited agencies (33% of those coded; Z = 1.35, p = .18). The majority of objectives were focused on outputs (accredited: 61.2%; non-accredited: 63.3%; Z = 0.72, p = .47). Outcomes-focused objectives primarily sought to change behaviors (accredited: 85.43%; non-accredited: 80.6%), followed by changes in knowledge (accredited: 9.75%; non-accredited: 10.8%) and attitudes (accredited: 1.6%; non-accredited: 5.1%). Non-accredited agencies had more double-barreled objectives (49.9%) compared to accredited agencies (32%; Z = 11.43, p .001). The authors recommend that accreditation procedures place a renewed focus on ensuring that public health agencies strive to achieve outcomes. It is also advocated that public health agencies work with interdisciplinary teams of Health Communicators who can help them develop procedures to effectively and efficiently measure outcomes of knowledge and attitudes that are influential drivers of behavioral changes.
机译:凭借公共卫生举措的资金下降,创造了可衡量的目标,这些目标是追踪和改变人口成果(即知识,态度或行为),而不是专注于卫生机构自己的产出的人(例如,促进服务,发展通信消息)已看到重新焦点。本研究分析了4094名目标来自美国的社区健康改善计划(芯片)的目标,其中280名本地PHAB认可和非认可的公共卫生机构。结果表明,与非认可机构(33%编码的人数)相比,经认可的机构在创造偏心的目标(35%的编码)时,不再成功了(35%; Z = 1.35,P = .18)。大多数目标都集中在产出上(认可:61.2%;非认证:63.3%; Z = 0.72,P = .47)。侧重的目标主要寻求改变行为(认可:85.43%;未经认证:80.6%),其次是知识变化(认证:9.75%;未经认证:10.8%)和态度(认可:1.6%;非-Accredited:5.1%)。与认可的机构相比,非认可的机构具有更多的双管目标(49.9%)(32%; Z = 11.43,P& .001)。作者建议认证程序正在重新侧重于确保公共卫生机构努力实现成果。它还提倡公共卫生机构与跨学科沟通的跨学科沟通,他们可以帮助他们制定程序,以有效,有效地衡量知识和态度的结果,这是有影响力的行为变化的驱动因素。



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