首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Agrarian Change >Domestic Crop Booms, Livelihood Pathways and Nested Transitions: Charting the Implications of Bangladesh's Pangasius Boom

Domestic Crop Booms, Livelihood Pathways and Nested Transitions: Charting the Implications of Bangladesh's Pangasius Boom


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Rapidly transforming Asian food systems are oriented largely towards domestic markets, yet literature on Asian crop booms deals almost exclusively with commodities produced for export. With reference to pangasius aquaculture in Bangladesh, we argue that domestic crop booms' - agricultural booms driven by domestic demand - are contributing to rapid social and ecological transformations in Asia and across the globe. We adopt a comparative multi-scalar approach, and develop the concept of livelihood pathways' as a means of understanding agrarian change associated with crop booms. The study reveals sharply divergent patterns of social change resulting from the pangasius boom, as experienced in two different village settings, despite underlying similarities in the processes of commodification evident in both. In addition to drawing attention to domestic crop booms and the diversity of transitions in which they result, the paper demonstrates the value of comparative multi-scalar analytical approaches and the importance of livelihood pathways in processes of agrarian change.
机译:快速转化的亚洲食品系统主要朝向国内市场导向,但亚洲作物繁荣的文学几乎完全涉及出口生产的商品。参考孟加拉国的Pangasius水产养殖,我们认为国内作物繁荣 - 由于国内需求驱动的农业繁荣 - 正在为亚洲和全球的迅速社会和生态转变做出贡献。我们采用比较的多标标方法,发展生计途径的概念,作为理解与作物繁荣相关的农业变革的手段。这项研究表明,由于两者在两者中的商品化过程中具有潜在的相似性,因此突出了Pangasius繁荣,这是由Pangasius Boom产生的社会变革的急剧发散模式。除了提请注意国内作物繁荣及其导致的过渡的多样性外,论文展示了比较多标量分析方法的价值以及生计途径在农业变革过程中的重要性。



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