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Is longevity a value for older adults?


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Abstract Longevity is an aspiration at the population level, a goal of public health policy and research. In the later decades of life, longevity goals also deserve scrutiny at the personal level to understand whether people welcome longer lives. Contradictory preferences could be expected, both the embrace of longevity and hesitation. The desire for extended life was examined using qualitative interviews in parallel designs among 90 persons aged 62 and older at sites in Germany, China, and the United States. Just over one third of the participants declined to express aspirations for longer life, some because they felt that their lives had reached a stage of completion and some as a form of fate acceptance. A larger number did indeed want extended lives but less than half estimated an amount of time that they desired. Moreover, there was strong opinion that longer lives were desirable only if current or acceptable levels of health were maintained. These replies indicate that future time is welcome so long as it occurs in the “third age” of independent living and not in the “fourth age” of vulnerability and decline. Replies also reveal that many older adults in these three cultures conceptually map the future not as a smooth continuum of time but rather as segmented into states, one kind of which is wanted and one which is not. Highlights ? Ninety elders in China, Germany, and the U.S. were asked their ideal length of life. ? A minority parried our questions, declining to express aspirations for a longer life. ? Of those who valued longer lives for themselves, many had a certain stipulation. ? Desires for extra years were conditional on remaining in reasonably good health. ? Our participants seemed to segment future time into wanted and unwanted parts.
机译:摘要寿命是人口水平的愿望,是公共卫生政策和研究的目标。在生命的后期几十年中,长寿目标也值得仔细审查,了解人们是否欢迎长期生活。可以预期矛盾的偏好,既有寿命和犹豫则拥抱。在德国,中国和美国在德国,中国和美国在德国和美国的遗址62岁及以上的平行设计中使用定性访谈,研究了对延长寿命的愿望。在三分之一的参与者中拒绝表达愿望更长的生活,有些是因为他们认为他们的生活已经达到了完成的阶段,有些是一种命运接受形式。更大的数字确实希望延长生命,但不到一半估计它们所需的时间。此外,只有在维持当前或可接受的健康水平时,才能较长的意见。这些回复表明,由于它发生在独立生活的“第三次”而不是在脆弱性和衰退的“第四次”中,因此欢迎来临。回复还揭示了这三个文化中的许多老年人概念上映射未来不是作为平稳的连续时间,而是如同分割成各国,其中一种是一个想要的,一个是一个想要的,一个是一个不可想象的。强调 ?在中国,德国和美国的九十年代被问到他们理想的生活。还少数群体的问题,拒绝表达较长生活的愿望。还对于那些为自己而生命的人来说,许多人有一定的规定。还额外岁月的欲望是有条件的,留在合理健康的情况下。还我们的参与者似乎将未来时间分段为想要和不需要的部分。



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