首页> 外文期刊>Journal of aging studies >Evaluating dementia home care practices: The reification of care norms

Evaluating dementia home care practices: The reification of care norms


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Abstract This critical ethnographic study examined how power relations shape the nature and enactment of caregivers' evaluation of home-based dementia care practices. As the home care sector continues to evolve and prepare itself as a key element in caring for people living with dementia and their families, this study grounds our understanding of how dementia home care practices are enacted and evaluated, particularly at the interface of formal and familial caregiving. The critical finding from our data is that not all evaluations of care practices were considered equally meaningful or relevant, and, moreover, their significance depended on whether the evaluation was made by someone in a position of power. Renewed awareness of and attention to power relations, such as class and gender, are implicated in the evaluation of care practices. Consequently, challenging how power is enacted in ways that (re)produces and reifies care norms is vital in order to foster equitable and supportive partnerships in home-based dementia care. Highlights ? Power relations are complicit in the evaluation of dementia care practices. ? Inequitable class and gender norms can silence less powerful caregivers. ? Caregiving strategies should redress rather than reify inequitable care norms.
机译:摘要这项批判性民族造影研究审查了力量关系如何塑造护理人员对家庭痴呆护理实践评估的性质和制定。由于家庭护理部门继续发展,并准备成为关心患有痴呆症及其家庭的关键的关键因素,这研究了我们对如何制定和评估痴呆家庭护理实践的理解,特别是在正式和家族的界面处护理。我们数据的批评发现是,并非所有护理实践的评估都被认为是同样有意义或相关的,而且,他们的意义依赖于权力地位的某人是否由某人提出的评估。重新对课程和性别等权力关系的认识和关注,涉及对护理实践的评估。因此,挑战如何以(RE)产生和重新定理规范的方式颁布的权力是至关重要的,以促进在家庭痴呆护理中的公平和支持性伙伴关系。强调 ?在评估痴呆护理实践时,权力关系是可取的。还不公平的阶级和性别规范可以沉默不断强大的照顾者。还护理战略应该补救而不是重新改造不公平的护理规范。



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