首页> 外文期刊>Journal of aging studies >The promise of documentary theatre to counter ageism in age-friendly communities*

The promise of documentary theatre to counter ageism in age-friendly communities*


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This paper discusses an innovative theatre-arts collaboration that was created to provoke public discourse about aging in a community located in the Southeastern United States in which more than one-half of residents are age 50 or older. The development and execution of the documentary theatre production are explicated and the post-performance talk-backs with the audience are shared to illustrate how it facilitated insight and dialogue among its largely older audiences. Experience with this production suggests that academics can collaborate with professional artists to promote the subjective experience of aging as a positive appreciation of self. Consequently, the play holds promise to counter deeply ingrained negative self-beliefs about aging and foster greater acceptance about the experience of others. In addition, the play represents a unique community based effort to enhance respect and social inclusion, a core domain of livability in the age-friendly community movement.
机译:本文讨论了创新的剧院艺术合作,以挑起位于美国东南部的社区中的公众话语,其中超过一半的居民年龄较大。 纪录片剧院生产的开发和执行被阐述,分享了与观众的绩效后谈话,以说明其在大部分较老的受众之间有助于洞察力和对话。 这种生产的经验表明,学者可以与专业艺术家合作,推动老龄化的主观体验,作为对自我的积极欣赏。 因此,该剧本承担承诺,以抵御衰老的深刻根深蒂固的自我信念,并促进更多接受他人的经验。 此外,该剧本代表了一个独特的社区努力,以加强尊重和社会包容,是年龄友好的社区运动中居住地的核心领域。



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