首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Advanced Computatioanl Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics >Smartphone Naive Bayes Human Activity Recognition Using Personalized Datasets

Smartphone Naive Bayes Human Activity Recognition Using Personalized Datasets


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Recognizing human activity in real time with a limited dataset is possible on a resource-constrained device. However, most classification algorithms such as Support Vector Machines, C4.5, and K Nearest Neighbor require a large dataset to accurately predict human activities. In this paper, we present a novel real-time human activity recognition model based on Gaussian Naive Bayes (GNB) algorithm using a personalized JavaScript object notation dataset extracted from the publicly available Physical Activity Monitoring for Aging People dataset and University of Southern California Human Activity dataset. With the proposed method, the personalized JSON training dataset is extracted and compressed into a 12×8 multidimensional array of the time-domain features extracted using a signal magnitude vector and tilt angles from tri-axial accelerometer sensor data. The algorithm is implemented on the Android platform using the Cordova cross-platform framework with HTML5 and JavaScript. Leave-one-activity-out cross validation is implemented as a testTrainer() function, the results of which are presented using a confusion matrix. The testTrainer() function leaves category K as the testing subset and the remaining K-1 as the training dataset to validate the proposed GNB algorithm. The proposed model is inexpensive in terms of memory and computational power owing to the use of a compressed small training dataset. Each K category was repeated five times and the algorithm consistently produced the same result for each test. The result of the simulation using the tilted angle features shows overall precision, recall, F-measure, and accuracy rates of 90%, 99.6%, 94.18%, and 89.51% respectively, in comparison to rates of 36.9%, 75%, 42%, and 36.9% when the signal magnitude vector features were used. The results of the simulations confirmed and proved that when using the tilt angle dataset, the GNB algorithm is superior to Support Vector Machines, C4.5, and K Nearest Neighbor algorithms.
机译:在资源受限的设备上可以使用有限数据集实时识别人类活动。然而,大多数分类算法,例如支持向量机,C4.5和K最近邻居需要大型数据集来准确地预测人类活动。本文介绍了一种新的基于高斯天真贝叶斯(GNB)算法的实时人类活动识别模型,该算法使用从公开可用的体育监测中提取的个性化的JavaScript对象符号,从而从衰老人数据集和南加州南部人类活动大学数据集。利用所提出的方法,提取个性化JSON训练数据集并将其压缩成使用信号幅度向量提取的时域特征的12×8多维阵列,并从三轴加速度计传感器数据倾斜角度。使用HTML5和JavaScript的CORDOVA跨平台框架在Android平台上实现了该算法。休假 - 一项活动交叉验证被实现为测试棘式器()函数,结果使用混淆矩阵呈现。 TestTrainer()函数将类别k作为测试子集和剩余的K-1作为训练数据集以验证所提出的GNB算法。由于使用压缩的小型训练数据集,所提出的模型在存储器和计算能力方面符合。每个K类别重复五次,并且该算法始终产生每个测试的相同结果。使用倾斜角度特征的模拟结果显示,与36.9%,75%,42分别为36.9%,75%,42使用信号幅度矢量特征时%和36.9%。模拟结果证实并证明了在使用倾斜角数据集时,GNB算法优于支持向量机,C4.5和K最近邻算法。



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