首页> 外文期刊>Hydrology and Earth System Sciences >The predictability of reported drought events and impacts in the Ebro Basin using six different remote sensing data sets

The predictability of reported drought events and impacts in the Ebro Basin using six different remote sensing data sets


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The implementation of drought management plans contributes to reduce the wide range of adverse impacts caused by water shortage. A crucial element of the development of drought management plans is the selection of appropriate indicators and their associated thresholds to detect drought events and monitor the evolution. Drought indicators should be able to detect emerging drought processes that will lead to impacts with sufficient anticipation to allow measures to be undertaken effectively. However, in the selection of appropriate drought indicators, the connection to the final impacts is often disregarded. This paper explores the utility of remotely sensed data sets to detect early stages of drought at the river basin scale and determine how much time can be gained to inform operational land and water management practices. Six different remote sensing data sets with different spectral origins and measurement frequencies are considered, complemented by a group of classical in situ hydrologic indicators. Their predictive power to detect past drought events is tested in the Ebro Basin. Qualitative (binary information based on media records) and quantitative (crop yields) data of drought events and impacts spanning a period of 12 years are used as a benchmark in the analysis. Results show that early signs of drought impacts can be detected up to 6 months before impacts are reported in newspapers, with the best correlation-anticipation relationships for the standard precipitation index (SPI), the normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) and evapotranspiration (ET). Soil moisture (SM) and land surface temperature (LST) offer also good anticipation but with weaker correlations, while gross primary production (GPP) presents moderate positive correlations only for some of the rain-fed areas. Although classical hydrological information from water levels and water flows provided better anticipation than remote sensing indicators in most of the areas, correlations were fou
机译:干旱管理计划的实施有助于减少水资源短缺造成的广泛不利影响。干旱管理计划发展的关键因素是选择适当的指标及其相关阈值,以检测干旱事件并监控进化。干旱指标应该能够检测出现的新兴干旱过程,这将导致充分预期的影响,以便有效地进行措施。但是,在选择适当的干旱指标时,与最终影响的联系往往被忽视。本文探讨了远程感测数据集的效用,以检测河流盆地干旱早期阶段,并确定可以获得多长时间以通知运营土地和水管理实践。考虑了六种不同光谱起源和测量频率的不同遥感数据集,由一组经典原位水文指标补充。他们在埃布罗盆地测试了检测过去干旱事件的预测力。定性(基于媒体记录的二进制信息)和定量(作物产量)的干旱事件和跨越12年的影响的数据被用作分析中的基准。结果表明,在报纸上报告的影响之前,可以检测到干旱撞击的早期迹象,在报纸上报告影响,标准降水指数(SPI),归一化差异植被指数(NDVI)和蒸散蒸腾(ET)的最佳相关 - 预期关系)。土壤水分(SM)和陆地表面温度(LST)也提供良好的预期,但相关性较弱,而总初级生产(GPP)仅适用于某些雨水区域的中等正相关。虽然水平和水流的经典水文信息提供比大多数地区的遥感指标更好的预期,但相关性是FOU



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