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Structural brain connectivity and cognitive ability differences: A multivariate distance matrix regression analysis


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Neuroimaging research involves analyses of huge amounts of biological data that might or might not be related with cognition. This relationship is usually approached using univariate methods, and, therefore, correction methods are mandatory for reducing false positives. Nevertheless, the probability of false negatives is also increased. Multivariate frameworks have been proposed for helping to alleviate this balance. Here we apply multivariate distance matrix regression for the simultaneous analysis of biological and cognitive data, namely, structural connections among 82 brain regions and several latent factors estimating cognitive performance. We tested whether cognitive differences predict distances among individuals regarding their connectivity pattern. Beginning with 3,321 connections among regions, the 36 edges better predicted by the individuals' cognitive scores were selected. Cognitive scores were related to connectivity distances in both the full (3,321) and reduced (36) connectivity patterns. The selected edges connect regions distributed across the entire brain and the network defined by these edges supports high-order cognitive processes such as (a) (fluid) executive control, (b) (crystallized) recognition, learning, and language processing, and (c) visuospatial processing. This multivariate study suggests that one widespread, but limited number, of regions in the human brain, supports high-level cognitive ability differences. Hum Brain Mapp 38:803-816, 2017. (c) 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
机译:神经影像学研究涉及的数额巨大,可能会或可能不会与认知相关的生物数据的分析。这种关系通常是中使用单变量方法接近,并且因此,校正方法是强制性的减少误报。然而,假阴性的概率也增加。多元框架已经提出了有助于缓解这种平衡。在这里,我们采用多元距离矩阵回归方法用于生物和认知数据,即,82个的大脑区域和几个潜在因子估计认知性能之间的结构的连接的同时分析。我们测试的认知差异是否预测对他们的连接模式的个体之间的距离。各地区之间的连接3,321开始,选择由个人的认知成绩更好预测36个边缘。在完整(3321)认知得分均与连接距离和减小(36)的连接图案。所选择的边缘连接在整个大脑,并通过这些边缘支撑高阶认知过程,诸如(a)中定义的网络(流体)执行控制,(B)(结晶化)识别分布区域,学习和语言处理,以及( c)中视觉空间的处理。这个多元的研究表明,一个普遍的,但数量有限,在人类的大脑区域,支持高层次的认知能力的差异。哼声脑马普38:803-816,2017年(C)2016威利期刊公司



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