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The Metaphysical Assumptions Required for Political Autonomy


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In his article, Dubljevi? (2013) promotes a political concept of autonomy that is supposedly devoid of metaphysical assumptions concerning free will, yet still allows us to ascribe moral responsibility to agents.He is clear that autonomy embedded in the legal and political system need not presuppose libertarianism nor compatibilism and/or determinism. We argue that Dubljevi? overstates his case. Once the concept of political autonomy is carefully analyzed, it is clear that political autonomy relies on assuming free will. We may not need to assume agent causation, but we must at least assume a compatibilist notion of freedom. At best his argument would show the more commonly defended claim that political autonomy is consistent with compatibilism. First, we highlight how Dubljevi?'s concept of political autonomy is dependent on compatibilist assumptions. Next, we show that neither John Rawls nor Adina Roskies, the two authors Dubljevi? cites to bolster his position, make Dubljevi?'s account any more plausible
机译:在他的文章中,Dubljevi? (2013)提倡一种自治的政治概念,该概念本来没有关于自由意志的形而上学假设,但仍允许我们将道德责任归于代理人。 /或确定性。我们争辩说杜布列维?夸大其词。一旦对政治自治的概念进行了仔细的分析,很明显,政治自治就依赖于假设自由意志。我们可能不需要假设代理人因果关系,但我们至少必须假设一个兼容主义的自由概念。充其量,他的论点将表明更为普遍的主张,即政治自治与相容主义是一致的。首先,我们强调杜布利耶维(Dubljevi?)的政治自治概念如何依赖于相容主义者的假设。接下来,我们展示两位作者Dubljevi的John Rawls和Adina Roskies都没有?援引他的立场,使杜布列维的账目更加可信



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