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Using Facilitation Theory to Enhance Mangrove Restoration


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Despite advances in positive interactions and facilitation theory in ecological research (1, 2), the concepts have failed to make a big impact on mangrove restoration ecology. Restoration applications of facilitation include reaping the community benefits of foundation species, positive density dependence, and facilitation cascades (3). In their June 2008 article, "Growth Performance of Planted Mangroves in the Philippines: Revisiting Forest Management Strategies," Samson and Rollon discuss failed mangrove restoration projects in the Philippines and suggest that the poor growth and mortality of Rhizophora spp. seedlings were due to inappropriate placement of seedlings in low intertidal mudflat and seagrass habitats, instead of being planted in existing or deforested mangrove areas (many of which are now privately controlled). Planting mangrove seedlings at appropriate elevations to limit abiotic stress on seedlings is a major tenet of recent mangrove restoration work (4), and Samson and Rallon expand on this to say it must be the primary focus of future efforts if restoration is to succeed. This conclusion is overly narrow, whereas incorporating positive interactions into restoration practices will be complementary to ongoing approaches and result in mangrove forest restoration efforts having greater success under a wider range of environmental conditions.
机译:尽管在生态研究中积极相互作用和促进理论取得了进步(1、2),但这些概念并未对红树林恢复生态产生重大影响。便利化的恢复应用包括收获基础物种的社区效益,正密度依赖性和便利级联(3)。 Samson和Rollon在其2008年6月的文章“菲律宾人工种植的红树林的生长表现:重新审视森林管理策略”中,讨论了菲律宾失败的红树林恢复项目,并指出了Rhizophora spp的不良生长和死亡率。幼苗是由于在潮间带低滩涂和海草栖息地中放置了不适当的幼苗,而不是在现有或砍伐的红树林地区(其中许多现已由私人控制)中种植。在最近的红树林恢复工作中,在适当的高度种植红树林幼苗以限制非生物胁迫是幼苗的主要宗旨(4),Samson和Rallon对此进行了扩展,说如果恢复成功,它必须是未来工作的主要重点。该结论过于狭窄,而将积极的互动纳入恢复实践将是对现行方法的补充,并导致红树林恢复工作在更广泛的环境条件下取得了更大的成功。



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