首页> 外文期刊>Ambio: A Journal of the Human Environment >Monitoring Biodiversity Loss with Primary Species-occurrence Data: Toward National-level Indicators for the 2010 Target of the Convention on Biological Diversity

Monitoring Biodiversity Loss with Primary Species-occurrence Data: Toward National-level Indicators for the 2010 Target of the Convention on Biological Diversity

机译:利用主要物种发生数据监测生物多样性丧失:实现《生物多样性公约》 2010年目标的国家一级指标

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Development of effective indicators is indispensable for countries and societies to monitor effects of their actions on biodiversity, as is recognized in decision Vl/26 of the Convention on Biological Diversity. Good indicators would ideally be scalable, at least for the different scales that characterize biodiversity patterns and process. Existing indicators are mostly global in scope, and often based on secondary information, such as classifications of endangered species, rather than on primary data. We propose a complementary approach, based on the increased availability of raw data about occurrences of species, cutting-edge modeling techniques for estimating distributional areas, and land-use information based on remotely sensed data to allow estimation of rates of range loss for species affected by land-use conversion. This method can be implemented by developing countries, given increasing availability of data and the open and well-documented nature of the techniques required.
机译:正如《生物多样性公约》第V1 / 26号决定所承认的那样,有效指标的制定对于国家和社会监测其行动对生物多样性的影响是必不可少的。理想的指标至少可以针对表征生物多样性模式和过程的不同规模进行扩展。现有指标在范围上大多是全球性的,并且通常基于次要信息,例如濒危物种的分类,而不是主要数据。我们基于对物种发生的原始数据的可用性的提高,用于估计分布区域的前沿建模技术以及基于遥感数据的土地利用信息来提出一种补充方法,以估计受影响物种的范围损失率通过土地利用转换。鉴于数据的可用性不断提高以及所需技术的公开性和文献证明的性质,发展中国家可以实施这种方法。



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