首页> 外文期刊>Ambio: A Journal of the Human Environment >Effect of Climate Change on Fluxes of Nitrogen from the Tovdal River Basin, Norway, to Adjoining Marine Areas

Effect of Climate Change on Fluxes of Nitrogen from the Tovdal River Basin, Norway, to Adjoining Marine Areas


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The mass-transport model TEOTIL was used to project nitrate (NO_3) fluxes from the Tovdal River basin, southernmost Norwa given four scenarios of climate change. Forests, uplands, ar open water currently account for 90 percent of the NO_3 flux. Climate scenarios for 2071-2100 suggest increased temperature by 2-4 deg C and precipitation by 3-11 percent.Climate experiments and long-term monitoring were used to estimate future rates of nitrogen (N) leaching. More water will run through the terrestrial catchments during the winter but less will run in the spring. The annual NC flux from the Tovdal River to the adjoining Topdalsfjord projected to remain unchanged, but with more NO_3 delivered the winter and less in the spring. Algal blooms in coastal water can be expected to occur earlier in the year. Major sources of uncertainty are in the long-term fate of N stored in soil organ matter and the impacts of forest management.
机译:考虑到四种气候变化情景,使用质量传输模型TEOTIL预测了最南端的诺瓦(Norwa)托夫达尔河流域的硝酸盐(NO_3)通量。森林,高地,开放水域目前占NO_3排放量的90%。 2071-2100年的气候情景表明,温度升高了2-4摄氏度,降水增加了3-11%。气候实验和长期监测被用来估算未来氮(N)的浸出率。冬季,更多的水将流经陆地集水区,而春季的水将较少。从Tovdal河到毗邻的Topdalsfjord的年度NC通量预计将保持不变,但冬季排放的NO_3增多,而春季减少。预计今年早些时候会在沿海水中出现藻华。不确定性的主要来源是土壤器官中氮的长期储存以及森林管理的影响。



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