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Forest Structure and Downed Woody Debris in Boreal, Temperate, and Tropical Forest Fragments


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Forest fragmentation affects the heterogeneity of accumulated fuels by increasing the diversity of forest types and by increasing forest edges. This heterogeneity has implications in how we manage fuels, fire, and forests. Understanding the relative importance of fragmentation on woody biomass within a single climatic regime, and along climatic gradients, will improve our ability to manage forest fuels and predict fire behavior. In this study we assessed forest fuel characteristics in stands of differing moisture, i.e., dry and moist forests, structure, i.e., open canopy (typically younger) vs. closed canopy (typically older) stands, and size, i.e., small (10-14 ha), medium (33 to 60 ha), and large (100-240 ha) along a climatic gradient of boreal, temperate, and tropical forests. We measured duff, litter, fine and coarse woody debris, standing dead, and live biomass in a series of plots along a transect from outside the forest edge to the fragment interior. The goal was to determine how forest structure and fuel characteristics varied along this transect and whether this variation differed with temperature, moisture, structure, and fragment size. We found nonlinear relationships of coarse woody debris, fine woody debris, standing dead and live tree biomass with mean annual median temperature. Biomass for these variables was greatest in temperate sites. Forest floor fuels (duff and litter) had a linear relationship with temperature and biomass was greatest in boreal sites. In a five-way multivariate analysis of variance we found that temperature, moisture, and age/structure had significant effects on forest floor fuels, downed woody debris, and live tree biomass. Fragment size had an effect on forest floor fuels and live tree biomass. Distance from forest edge had significant effects for only a few subgroups sampled. With some exceptions edges were not distinguishable from interiors in terms of fuels.
机译:森林碎片化通过增加森林类型的多样性和增加森林边缘来影响累积燃料的异质性。这种异质性对我们管理燃料,火和森林的方式产生了影响。了解碎片在单一气候条件下以及沿着气候梯度变化对木质生物量的相对重要性,将提高我们管理森林燃料和预测火灾行为的能力。在这项研究中,我们评估了水分不同的林分(即干燥和潮湿的森林),结构(即开放的冠层(通常较年轻)与封闭的冠层(通常较旧))以及大小(即较小(10- 14公顷),中等(33至60公顷)和大型(100-240公顷),沿着北方,温带和热带森林的气候梯度。我们测量了沿着森林从外缘到碎片内部的样带的一系列样地中的达芙,垃圾,细木屑和粗木屑,死角和活生物量。目的是确定该断面的森林结构和燃料特性如何变化,以及该变化是否随温度,湿度,结构和碎片大小而变化。我们发现年平均中值温度的粗木屑,细木屑,死木和活树生物量之间存在非线性关系。这些变量的生物量在温带地区最大。林地燃料(粉尘和垃圾)与温度呈线性关系,而生物量在寒带地区最大。在五项方差的多元分析中,我们发现温度,湿度和年龄/结构对林地燃料,倒下的木屑和活树生物量有显着影响。碎片大小对林地燃料和活树生物量有影响。距森林边缘的距离仅对少数几个子组有显着影响。除了某些例外,在燃料方面,边缘与内部没有区别。



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