首页> 外文期刊>Ambio: A Journal of the Human Environment >Human Impacts on the Tundra- Taiga Zone Dynamics: The Case of the Russian Lesotundra

Human Impacts on the Tundra- Taiga Zone Dynamics: The Case of the Russian Lesotundra


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The tundra-taiga one is considered not only as a natural ecotone, but as a unique fringe zone with socioeconomic peculiarities. This holistic approach enables us to analyze several significant types of human impacts (industrial impacts and those associated with renewable resources development, including traditional reindeer herding and human settlements) and their role in the displacement of the lesotundra zone. In Russia, there is much evidence of deforestation and ecosystem degradation in different regions of the lesotundra zone and the northern taiga which borders the lesotundra zone. One indicator of this is that in the Archangelsk region and the Komi Republic, the observed current southern border of the lesotundra zone lies 40-100km to the south of the southern boundary of the Protection Belt of Pretundra Forests, established in 1959. Human impacts also displace the northern boundary of the lesotundra zone (the boundary with the tundra zone) to the south. As a result, according to published estimations, the total area of human-made tundra and lesotundra stretching from the Kola Peninsula to Chukotka, is c. 470-500 000 km~2. The increases in man-made tundra lead to negative consequences for the sociocultural sustainability of the lesotundra zone, a decrease in the quality of life (notably for permanent residents and native people and increases in mortality and depopulation. It cannot be predicted with any certainty that climate warming in the tundra-taiga zone will lead to a northward movement of the boreal forest treeline. We need also to consider the human impacts discussed in this article, which may actually lead to a southward movement of the lesotundra zone.
机译:苔原带不仅被认为是天然的过渡带,而且被认为是具有社会经济特性的独特边缘地带。这种整体方法使我们能够分析几种重要的人类影响类型(工业影响以及与可再生资源开发相关的影响,包括传统的驯鹿放牧和人类住区)及其在莱索通德拉地区流离失所中的作用。在俄罗斯,有很多证据表明,莱索顿德拉地区和与莱索顿德拉地区接壤的北针叶林地区的森林砍伐和生态系统退化。一个迹象表明,在阿尔汉格尔斯克地区和科米共和国,莱索顿德拉地区目前的南部边界位于1959年建立的普伦特德拉森林保护带南部边界以南40-100公里处。将lesotundra带的北部边界(与苔原带的边界)向南移动。结果,根据公开的估计,从科拉半岛一直延伸到楚科奇的人工冻原和莱索托德拉的总面积为c。 470-500 000 km〜2。人为的冻原增加,将对莱索顿德拉地区的社会文化可持续性产生负面影响,降低生活质量(特别是对永久居民和原住民而言,以及死亡率和人口减少。)无法肯定地预测到苔原地区的气候变暖将导致北方森林林线向北移动,我们还需要考虑本文所讨论的人为影响,这实际上可能导致莱索通德拉地区向南移动。



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