首页> 外文期刊>Wireless personal communications: An Internaional Journal >A Study on the Influence of Non-intelligence Factors on College Students’ English Learning Achievement Based on C4.5 Algorithm of Decision Tree

A Study on the Influence of Non-intelligence Factors on College Students’ English Learning Achievement Based on C4.5 Algorithm of Decision Tree


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In college students’ English learning, it is undeniable that non intelligence factors can significantly influence their English learning achievement. This paper studies the influence of non intelligence factors on English learning achievement of college students. Decision tree algorithm is used to construct decision tree for factors influencing of college students’ English learning, which is further modified through C4.5 algorithm according to the actual situation, and the non intelligence factors influencing college English learning achievement are obtained. Finally, the conclusion is further tested, and the test results indicate that the prediction rule can accurately predict the English learning achievement of average students and underachievers. Therefore, the proposed algorithm can be used as a good predictor for students with average or poor English learning achievement and meet the requirement of teaching assistance.
机译:在大学生英语学习中,不可否认的是,非智力因素可以显着影响他们的英语学习成果。 本文研究了非智力因素对大学生英语学习成果的影响。 决策树算法用于构建决策树,以实现大学生英语学习的因素,这通过C4.5算法根据实际情况进一步修改,并获得了影响大学英语学习成就的非智力因素。 最后,结论进一步测试,测试结果表明,预测规则可以准确地预测普通学生和不足的普通学生的学习成就。 因此,所提出的算法可以用作平均或英语学习成就的学生的良好预测因素,并满足教学援助的要求。



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