首页> 外文期刊>Visual Communication >Reading war photographs: the 1971 India-Pakistan war in the Anglo-American press

Reading war photographs: the 1971 India-Pakistan war in the Anglo-American press

机译:阅读战争照片:1971年印度 - 巴基斯坦战争在盎格鲁美出版社

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This article examines photographs of the 1971 India-Pakistan war published in the Anglo-American newspapers: The New York Times and The Times (London) and magazines: Life, Newsweek, Time, and The Economist. The images projected the war as a spectacle and predominantly used photographic conventions associated with non-journalistic images. The photographs showcased a rather frank representation of the 1971 war, displaying images of failed military operations, dead or injured soldiers, POWs, and revenge killings. However, some of these candid documentary war photographs offer archival value in that they challenge and complicate historical amnesia and partial accounts of the war and conflict in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.
机译:本文审查了1971年印度 - 巴基斯坦战争在英美报纸上发表的照片:纽约时报和时代(伦敦)和杂志:生活,新闻周刊,时间和经济学家。 该图像将战争作为奇观,主要是与非新闻图像相关的照相约定。 这张照片展示了1971年战争的相当坦率的代表,展示了军事行动,死亡或受伤士兵,拳头和复仇杀戮的图像。 然而,一些坦率的纪录片战争照片提供档案价值,因为他们挑战并使历史记忆群体和孟加拉国的战争和冲突的部分叙述。



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