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Transitivity of kinetic typography: theory and application to a case study of a public service advertisement

机译:动力学排版的传递 - 理论与应用到公共服务广告的案例研究

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With the advance of computer technology, kinetic typography, the animation of moving text, is becoming widely used in human communication. Yet, to date, there have been few social semiotic and multimodality studies in this area. This article draws on a case analysis of a national television public service advertisement in China to demonstrate how the concept of transitivity can be used to understand the meaning-making processes of kinetic typography. Kress and Van Leeuwen's Reading Images: The Grammar of Visual Design (2006[1996]) transitivity of visual grammar and Leao's 'A systemic functional approach to the analysis of animation in film opening titles' (2013) transitivity system of animation are applied in the analysis. The results show that their models can be basically applied to the analysis of kinetic typography. However, they also have restrictions that can be improved. For this reason, the author proposes an extended model of transitivity for the analysis of kinetic typography. The article ends with a discussion of some cross-cultural aspects of the analysed advertisement.
机译:随着计算机技术的进展,动态排版,移动文本的动画,越来越广泛地用于人类交流。然而,迄今为止,该地区甚至存在很少的社交符号和多模态研究。本文借鉴了中国国家电视公共服务广告的案例分析,以展示转运概念如何用于了解动力学印刷术的意义过程。 Kress和Van Leeuwen的阅读图片:视觉设计的语法(2006 [1996])视觉语法和联队的传递性“在电影开放标题中分析动画的动画分析的系统功能方法”(2013)的动画系统分析。结果表明,他们的模型可以基本上应用于动力学印刷术的分析。但是,它们也有可能改善的限制。出于这个原因,提议为动力学排版的分析提出了扩展的传递模型。这些文章以分析的广告的一些跨文化方面的讨论结束。



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