首页> 外文期刊>Tropical Animal Health and Production >Prevalence and control implications of bovine trypanosomes in endemic areas of northern Uganda

Prevalence and control implications of bovine trypanosomes in endemic areas of northern Uganda


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African animal trypanosomiasis (AAT), a disease complex caused by tsetse fly-transmittedTrypanosoma brucei brucei,T. congolensesavannah ITS,and T. vivax, continues to inflict heavy losses to the animal industry in terms of decreased livestock production and productivity. Live bait technology and chemotherapy have been used as a control strategy in northern Uganda since 2006 with minimal success. Here, we report the results of a cross-sectional study carried out in Lango subregion, Uganda, to assess the species prevalence of bovine trypanosome in cattle using the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) of trypanosome ribosomal DNA (rDNA).Blood samples were collected from 1090 cattle by ear vein puncture and screened using a single pair of primers designed to amplify ITS ribosomal DNA (rDNA). Our results indicate an overall prevalence of 40.18% (438/1090, 95% CI 30.82-54.51).T. vivaxconstituted 32.66% (356/1090),T. congolense2.39% (26/1090),T. brucei1.28% (14/1090),T. godfreyi0.09%(1/1090),T. bruceiandT. congolense0.36% (4/1090),T. bruceiandT. vivax1.47% (16/1090),T. vivaxandT. congolense1.65% (18/1090),T. vivaxandT. simiae0.18% (2/1090),and T. vivaxandT. godfreyi0.09% (1/1090) of infections.Over 91.7% of infections involved single species, while 9.5% were mixed infections. Over 90.2% (37/41) of the mixed infections involvedT. vivaxas one of the species, while 53.7% (22/41) involvedT. congolense.The high prevalence of AAT and the continued presence ofT. bruceiraise public health concerns because of the zoonotic implications. An integrated approach that involves mass treatment of cattle, vector, and animal movement control should be adopted to reduce the risk of both AAT and HAT.
机译:非洲动物锥虫(AAT),由TSETSE捕发瘤瘤瘤Brucei Brucei,T引起的疾病复杂。 Congolensesavannah它和T.Vivax在降低牲畜生产和生产力方面,继续对动物行业造成重大损失。自2006年以来,现场诱饵技术和化疗已被用作乌干达北部的控制策略,成功最小。在这里,我们报告了在乌干达的Lango次区域中进行的横截面研究的结果,以评估使用促纹核糖胺组核糖体DNA(RDNA)的内部转录间隔物(RDNA)中的牛中牛锥虫体的普遍率。收集样品通过1090牛通过耳静脉穿刺并使用一对旨在扩增其核糖体DNA(RDNA)的一对引物进行筛选。我们的结果表明了40.18%(438/1090,95%CI 30.82-54.51)的总体患病率。 vivaxconstited 32.66%(356/1090),t。 Congolense2.39%(26/1090),t。 Brucei1.28%(14/1090),T。 Godfreyi0.09%(1/1090),T。 Bruceiandt。 Congolense0.36%(4/1090),T。 Bruceiandt。 vivax1.47%(16/1090),t。 vivaxandt。 Congolense1.65%(18/1090),T。 vivaxandt。 Simiae0.18%(2/1090)和T.Vivaxandt。 Godfreyi0.09%(1/1090)感染。从91.7%的感染涉及单一物种,而9.5%是混合感染。超过90.2%(37/41)的混合感染涉及。 vivaxas一个物种之一,而53.7%(22/41)所涉及的。 Congolense.AAT的普及和持续存在。乌兰索斯公共健康问题因人群的影响而担忧。应采用一种涉及牛,载体和动物运动控制的群体处理的综合方法,以降低AAT和帽子的风险。



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