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The Evolving Interconnectedness of 3 Fields of Study: Falls, Brain Imaging, and Cognitive Therapy


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For almost 40 years, falls research has progressed without a consensus on a universal definition of how falls are defined. This lack of consensus affects the scope and validity of falls research and fall prevention and early detection programs. A universal definition should include meaningful language that is relatable to multiple stakeholders (eg, people who fall, clinical experts on falls). Broad consideration of what a fall is and how to treat a fall may help improve consensus and improve clinical treatment approaches to reduce fall risk. This article highlights research on falls, brain imaging, and cognitive therapy that supports links between falls, white matter changes in the brain, cognition, and physical activity. The studies presented focus on dementia and Parkinson disease because these populations have profound neurodegenerative white matter changes and the highest rates of falling.
机译:近40年来,跌倒研究已经取得了普遍定义落实的普遍定义。 这种缺乏共识影响了瀑布研究和预防和早期检测计划的范围和有效性。 普遍定义应包括与多个利益相关者相关的有意义的语言(例如,跌倒的人,瀑布上的临床专家)。 广泛审议秋季是什么以及如何治疗秋季可能有助于改善共识,并改善临床治疗方法以降低危险风险。 本文突出了支持瀑布,白质变化之间的链接,脑成像和认知治疗的研究,脑,认知和身体活动之间的联系。 这些研究表现出痴呆和帕金森病的关注,因为这些人群具有深刻的神经退行性白质变化和最高的堕落率。



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