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The Basics of Antithrombotic Medications How Do They Work and Why Should We Care?


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Drugs used to treat or prevent thromboembolic disease are a common cause of adverse drug reactions in older adults. The purpose of this review is to provide rehabilitation professionals working with older adults with an understanding of the basics of antithrombotic drug therapy. By gaining familiarity with hemostasis and mechanisms of action of common drugs, therapists can more easily understand the adverse effects of these medications, how patients are monitored, and how drugs are reversed. Most importantly, this review provides readers with insight into the impact of these drugs on clinical decision-making in the rehabilitation of older adults.
机译:用于治疗或预防血栓栓塞疾病的药物是老年成年人中药物不良反应的常见原因。 本评价的目的是提供与老年人合作的康复专业人士,了解抗血栓药物治疗的基础知识。 通过熟悉血液溶扰性和普通药物的作用机制,治疗师可以更容易地了解这些药物的不利影响,如何监测患者,以及药物如何逆转。 最重要的是,本评论为读者提供了深入了解这些药物对老年人康复的临床决策的影响。



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