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CBD Cosmetics Rush Is’Fast And Furious,’But Don’t Skimp On Testing,Experts Say


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Companies racing to be early to market with cannabidiolinfused cosmetics may be tempted to cut corners when it comes to CBD testing.But this could be a costly mistake,experts say.”The introduction of CBDs into the cosmetics industry has been relatively fast and furious,[and]it doesn’t seem to be slowing down,”noted Kenneth Hegel,Jr.,managing principal and executive vice president at Cosmetic Insurance Services,a division of brokerage firm Frenkel & Company – an Epic Company,at the Independent Cosmetic Manufacturers and Distributor’s annual regulatory workshop in New York.During the May 9”Cosmetic Cannabis”session,Hegel added,”We see a lot of startup companies – on average I would say probably 20 a month – and more and more of them are entertaining a CBD-type product line.”Cosmetics companies are limited in what they can claim regarding CBD’s intended benefits without risking FDA enforcement action for marketing unapproved drugs.(Also see”Interested In Using CBD Or Probiotics In Cosmetics? Ask Yourself Why – FDA’s Linda Katz”-HBW Insight,15 May,2019.)
机译:在涉及CBD测试的时候,赛车的公司赛车早期到市场上涨可能很想削减角落。但是,专家说,这可能是一个昂贵的错误。“将CBD引入化妆品行业,相对较快,肯尼斯赫尔,JR.,校长校长和执行副总裁,经纪公司Frenkel&Company - 一家专业化妆品制造商,Coormet保险服务校长和执行副总裁兼董事会公司的校长和执行副总裁和经销商的纽约年度监管讲习班。9月9日“化妆品大麻”会议,黑格尔补充道,“我们看到了很多启动公司 - 平均我会说出20个月 - 越来越多的人是娱乐CBD型产品系列。“化妆品公司有限于他们可以在不冒险营销未经批准的药物的情况下,他们可以宣称有关CBD的预期福利。(也有兴趣在Cosmeti中使用CBD或益生菌感兴趣CS?问问自己为什么 - FDA的Linda Katz“-HBW Insight,2019年5月15日。)



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