首页> 外文期刊>AIDS patient care and STDs >Community support and disclosure of HIV serostatus to family members by public-sector antiretroviral treatment patients in the Free State Province of South Africa.

Community support and disclosure of HIV serostatus to family members by public-sector antiretroviral treatment patients in the Free State Province of South Africa.


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Recent studies have indicated that the support of close relatives is fundamental in coping with HIV/AIDS and in accessing the emotional and material support necessary for sustained adherence to treatment. Because disclosure to family members is imperative to ensure their support, identifying tools or resources that can minimize the possible risks and maximize the potential benefits of disclosure should be useful in improving the lives of people living with HIV/AIDS. Where health systems require strengthening, engaging the community in HIV/AIDS care could potentially create an environment that encourages disclosure to family members. This study investigated the impact of community support initiatives (community health workers and treatment support groups), patient characteristics (age, gender, and education), and time since first diagnosis on the disclosure of serostatus to family members by a sample of 268 public-sector antiretroviral treatment patients in a province of South Africa between August 2004 and July 2007. Whereas gender, age, and education only weakly influenced disclosure, there was a strong and stable positive association between community support and disclosure to family members. The immediate and long-term impact of community support on the disclosure by seropositive patients to family members indicates that initiatives such as community health workers and HIV support groups run by people living with HIV/AIDS should be strengthened, especially for those patients who cannot disclose their status to immediate family and close friends.
机译:最近的研究表明,在应对艾滋病毒/艾滋病以及获得持续坚持治疗所必需的情感和物质支持方面,近亲的支持至关重要。由于必须向家人公开信息以确保他们的支持,因此,确定能够最大程度地减少可能的风险并最大限度地提高信息披露的潜在利益的工具或资源,对改善艾滋病毒/艾滋病患者的生活将很有用。在需要加强卫生系统的地方,使社区参与艾滋病毒/艾滋病的护理可能会创造一个鼓励向家庭成员披露信息的环境。这项研究调查了268个公共卫生机构对社区支持举措(社区卫生工作者和治疗支持小组),患者特征(年龄,性别和教育程度)以及自初次诊断以来时间对向家庭成员披露血清状况的影响。 2004年8月至2007年7月间,南非某省的部分抗逆转录病毒治疗患者。尽管性别,年龄和教育程度对信息披露的影响很小,但社区支持与向家庭成员的信息披露之间存在牢固而稳定的积极联系。社区支持对血清阳性患者向家庭成员披露的近期和长期影响表明,应加强诸如社区卫生工作者和艾滋病毒/艾滋病感染者管理的艾滋病毒支持小组等倡议,尤其是对于那些无法披露信息的患者他们对直系亲属和密友的地位。



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