首页> 外文期刊>The Quekett journal of microscopy >Reflective layers in the fruit of Maclura pomifera -bright enough to attract a Giant Ground Sloth?

Reflective layers in the fruit of Maclura pomifera -bright enough to attract a Giant Ground Sloth?

机译:在Maclura pomifera-柔磨果实中的反光层足以吸引巨大的磨碎的懒惰?

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Like many other members of our club, I cannot resist a biological mystery and finding ways to get it under a light microscope. What follows is a life-long fascination with giant ground sloths (Fig. 1), inspired by youthful visits to the Natural History Museum in South Kensington, where there was an enormous Megatherium skeleton; turn right from the front door and walk the length of the first gallery.
机译:与我们俱乐部的许多其他成员一样,我无法抗拒一个生物谜团,并在光学显微镜下发现方法。 以下是与巨型地懒人(图1)的终身迷恋,受到青春访问南肯辛顿的自然历史博物馆的启发,在那里有一个巨大的牛奶骨架; 从前门右转并走在第一画廊的长度。



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