首页> 外文期刊>The Library Quarterly: A Journal of Investigation and Discussion in the Field of Library Science >Factors of Digital Inclusion among Women: Revisiting India and Extending to Chile and Australia for Additional Analysis

Factors of Digital Inclusion among Women: Revisiting India and Extending to Chile and Australia for Additional Analysis


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Digital technology plays an important role in women's everyday lives. Various factors determine adoption, use, and enjoyment of digital technology by women. Our 2016 Library Quarterly article introduced a qualitative look at women's adoption and use of digital technologies. The current article is a continuation of the previous study, wherein we interview women in Chile and Australia to examine factors of women's acceptance of digital technologies for everyday life use identified with the India data. We reflect on the role digital technology plays in women's everyday lives in these three countries and what cultural factors determine adoption, use, and enjoyment of digital technology, including digital literacy factors, everyday life factors, professional use factors, time factors, social networking factors, and privacy and security factors. We add two factors to our existing model of digital inclusion: physical access factors and device dependency factors.
机译:数字技术在女性日常生活中发挥着重要作用。 各种因素决定了女性的通过,使用和享受数字技术。 我们2016年图书馆季度文章介绍了妇女采用和使用数字技术的定性。 目前的文章是前一项研究的延续,其中我们采访智利和澳大利亚的妇女,以检查妇女接受与印度数据确定的日常生活的数字技术的因素。 我们反映了女性日常生活中的数字技术在这三个国家的日常生活中扮演,以及什么文化因素决定了数字技术的采用,使用和享受,包括数字识字因素,日常生活因素,专业的因素,时间因素,社会网络因素,社会网络因素 以及隐私和安全因素。 我们为我们现有的数字夹杂材模型添加了两个因素:物理访问因子和设备依赖性因素。



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