首页> 外文期刊>The Library Quarterly: A Journal of Investigation and Discussion in the Field of Library Science >Beyond Scholarly Publishing: The Human Dimension of Peer Review in LIS

Beyond Scholarly Publishing: The Human Dimension of Peer Review in LIS


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Focusing on the human dimension, we look at scholarly peer review as a space for relationship building and analyze how negligent reviewing can detrimentally affect a sense of community. We introduce an analytical framework that is based on the humanistic pedagogical approach developed by Carl Rogers and Natalie Rogers and that operates with Rogerian concepts of empathy, unconditional positive regard, realness of reviewers, psychological safety, psychological freedom, and opportunity for challenging intellectual experiences. We briefly address the role of peer review in the changed scholarly landscape; posit it as a privilege and an unmatched opportunity; examine in detail the elements of helpful and unhelpful reviews; and give advice to authors on how to respond to reviews, especially the unhelpful ones. It is our hope that the article will be of interest to faculty, PhD students, practitioners who aspire to publish, and anyone involved in scholarly communication and grant reviewing.
机译:专注于人类维度,我们将学术审查视为关系建设的空间,并分析疏忽的审查如何对社区感冒影响。 我们介绍了一个分析框架,这是基于Carl Rogers和Natalie Rogers开发的人文教学方法,并与罗杰利亚的同情概念,无条件积极考虑,审查员的真实性,心理安全,心理自由以及充满富有智力经验的机会。 我们简要介绍了同行评审在改变的学术景观中的作用; 将其作为特权和无与伦比的机会; 详细审视有用和无益的评论的元素; 并向如何回复评论,特别是无益的人提供建议。 我们希望这篇文章对教师,博士生,渴望出版的从业者以及参与学术沟通和补助审查的任何人感兴趣。



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