首页> 外文期刊>The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine >Maternity blues: risk factors in Greek population and validity of the Greek version of Kennerley and Gath's blues questionnaire

Maternity blues: risk factors in Greek population and validity of the Greek version of Kennerley and Gath's blues questionnaire


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Aim: To validate the Greek version of Kennerley and Gath's Blues Questionnaire (BQ) and gather further knowledge on maternity blues (MB) associations with certain clinical and sociodemographic factors in Greek population. Material and methods: 116 postpartum women, who met the inclusion criteria, completed the Blues Questionnaire and the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale on the third day after delivery. Sociodemographic and clinical data were also collected. Results: Fifty women (43.1%) experienced severe MB on the third day postpartum. Lower number of previous births, fewer years of marriage, and husband's occupation were found to be associated with MB occurrence. Of them, years of marriage (odds 0.21, p = .001) and husband's occupation in private sector (odds 1.21, p = .04) were independent predictors of MB in logistic regression analysis. Cronbach's alpha for the total 28-item Greek version of BQ was 0.85. Cluster analysis in our data showed that the optimal number of clusters of BQ items was 4; these four clusters of items presented similarities with the Bartholomew and Horowitz's four-category model of attachment styles (avoidant - dismissing, preoccupied, secure, avoidant - fearful). Conclusions: The Greek version of Blues Questionnaire is a reliable tool for the detection and measurement of MB. Fewer years of marriage and the economic insecurity seem to have strong impact on the occurrence of MB. Further investigation is needed to evaluate whether the phenomenon of MB is associated with parental or mother-to-infant bonding disorders.
机译:目的:验证Kennerley和Gath的Blues调查问卷(BQ)的希腊版,并在希腊人群中收集有关产妇蓝调(MB)协会的进一步知识,并在希腊人群中进行某些临床和社会造影因素。材料和方法:116个符合纳入标准的产后妇女,在交货后的第三天完成了蓝调调查问卷和爱丁堡产后抑郁症。还收集了社会渗目和临床数据。结果:50例女性(43.1%)在产后第三天经历严重的MB。较数较少的出生数量,婚姻较少,丈夫的职业较少,与MB发生有关。其中,婚姻年(赔率0.21,P = .001)和丈夫在私营部门的职业(ODDS 1.21,P = .04)是Logistic回归分析中MB的独立预测因子。 Cronbach的Alpha为28件希腊语BQ的BQ总数为0.85。我们的数据中的聚类分析表明,BQ项目的最佳数量为4;这四个物品与Bartholomew和Horowitz的四类附件样式模型提出了相似之处(避免 - 驳回,专注,安全,避免 - 恐惧)。结论:Blues问卷的希腊版是一种可靠的检测和测量MB的工具。婚姻较少,经济不安全似乎对MB的发生影响很大。需要进一步调查以评估MB的现象是否与亲本或母语或母语键合障碍有关。



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