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The role of the North American Breeding Bird Survey in conservation


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The North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) was established in 1966 in response to a lack of quantitative data on changes in the populations of many bird species at a continental scale, especially songbirds. The BBS now provides the most reliable regional and continental trends and annual indices of abundance available for > 500 bird species. This paper reviews some of the ways in which BBS data have contributed to bird conservation in North America over the past 50 yr, and highlights future program enhancement opportunities. BBS data have contributed to the listing of species under the Canadian Species at Risk Act and, in a few cases, have informed species assessments under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. By raising awareness of population changes, the BBS has helped to motivate bird conservation efforts through the creation of Partners in Flight. BBS data have been used to determine priority species and locations for conservation action at regional and national scales through Bird Conservation Region strategies and Joint Ventures. Data from the BBS have provided the quantitative foundation for North American State of the Birds reports, and have informed the public with regard to environmental health through multiple indicators, such as the Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Report on the Environment. BBS data have been analyzed with other data (e.g., environmental, land cover, and demographic) to evaluate potential drivers of population change, which have then informed conservation actions. In a few cases, BBS data have contributed to the evaluation of management actions, including informing the management of Mourning Doves (Zenaida macroura), Wood Ducks (Aix sponsa), and Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos). Improving geographic coverage in northern Canada and in Mexico, improving the analytical approaches required to integrate data from other sources and to address variation in detectability, and completing the database, by adding historical bird data at each point count location and pinpointing the current point count locations would further enhance the survey's value.
机译:北美育种鸟类调查(BBS)成立于1966年,以应对大陆规模,特别是鸣禽的许多鸟类种群的变化缺乏定量数据。 BBS现在提供最可靠的区域和大陆趋势以及可用于500只鸟物种的最丰富的年度指标。本文审查了BBS数据在过去的50年中促成了北美鸟类保护的一些方式,并突出了未来的计划增强机会。 BBS数据有助于在风险行为下的加拿大物种下的物种列表,在少数情况下,在美国濒危物种法案下有通知物种评估。通过提高人口变化的认识,BBS通过在飞行中创建合作伙伴来帮助促进鸟类保护努力。 BBS数据已被用于通过鸟类保护区战略和合资企业确定区域和国家规模的优先种类和地点。 BBS的数据为北美鸟类报告提供了定量基础,并通过多个指标向公众通报了环境卫生,例如加拿大环境可持续性指标和美国环境保护局关于环境的报告。 BBS数据已被其他数据(例如,环境,陆地覆盖和人口统计)分析,以评估潜在的人口变化驱动因素,然后提供了明智的保护行动。在一些情况下,BBS数据有助于评估管理行动,包括向管理哀悼鸽子(Zenaida Macroura),伍德(AIX Sponsa)和金鹰(Aquila Chrysaetos)的管理。提高加拿大北部和墨西哥的地理覆盖,通过在每个点计数位置添加历史鸟类数据并针对当前点计数位置来提高从其他来源集成数据所需的分析方法,并通过在每个点计数位置添加历史鸟类数据并完成数据库,并完成数据库。将进一步提高调查的价值。



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