首页> 外文期刊>The Arts in psychotherapy >Betwixt and between: Considering liminality and rites of passage in the context of music therapy in a specialist further education college

Betwixt and between: Considering liminality and rites of passage in the context of music therapy in a specialist further education college


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The case load of a music therapist may contain much work with young people with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD) and autistic spectrum conditions (ASC) as they transition to adulthood. There is however, no extant body of work exploring the anthropological theories of liminality and rites of passage in this context. It is considered that these theories offer a potential model of working in an educational setting as these young people move into the next phase of their lives. Discussion of the above theories and a description of the setting and the connection between the two is used to propose a potential music therapy model for work with this population at this point during the clients' lifespan.
机译:音乐治疗师的案例负荷可能包含与深层和多重学习障碍(PMLD)和自闭症频谱条件(ASC)的年轻人合作,因为它们转向成年期。 然而,在这种背景下,没有现存的工作探索纯界限性的人类学理论和段落的仪式。 认为这些理论提供了在教育环境中工作的潜在模型,因为这些年轻人进入他们生命的下一阶段。 讨论上述理论及其描述的描述和两者之间的连接用于在客户的寿命期间在这一点上提出潜在的音乐治疗模型,以便在这一点上与这个人群一起工作。



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