
The power of hope: person-centered perspectives on contemporary personal and societal challenges


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Hope is not about the future. It denotes an existential human way of being and way of being within the present. 'Dum spiro, spero (As long as I breathe, I hope)' characterizes its fundamental aspect in life. Hope is not optimism towards the outlook, not an expectation of positive outcomes. Hope is a specific quality of being a person in the meaning of being fully oneself and being fully with others. It is more than human’s capability to counterbalance fear and despair by envisioning something better and different from endurance. Rather, it is an active stance, the art of being fully present – with others. Thus, hope is a person-centered essential. It can be understood as the voice of the actualizing tendency, because it rests on the belief that potentiality is as important as actuality. Beyond the meaning of hope as a competence of the person, its importance in life and therapy the paper discusses how the present societal and political challenges can be met by a person-centered understanding of hope and trust: the task is not to raise hopes, but to facilitate hope; not to aim at solutions in order to change the world, but to encounter it.
机译:希望不是未来。它表示存在的存在性的存在方式和存在的方式。 'dum spiro,spero(只要我呼吸,我希望)'表征其生命中的基本方面。希望对前景并不乐观,而不是对积极成果的期望。希望是一个完全自我含义和完全与他人完全完全的人的特定品质。通过设想更好和不同的耐力的东西,它是人类抵消恐惧和绝望的能力。相反,它是一个积极的立场,完全存在的艺术 - 与他人完全存在。因此,希望是一个以人为本的必要性。它可以被理解为实现趋势的声音,因为它依赖于潜力与现实一样重要。除了希望作为该人的能力的含义,它在生命和治疗方面的重要性讨论了如何通过以人为本的对希望和信任的认识来满足现行社会和政治挑战:任务不是为了提高希望,但要促进希望;不要瞄准解决方案以改变世界,而是遇到它。



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