首页> 外文期刊>Psychosomatics >Decisional and Dispositional Capacity Determinations: Neuropsychiatric Illness and an Integrated Clinical Paradigm

Decisional and Dispositional Capacity Determinations: Neuropsychiatric Illness and an Integrated Clinical Paradigm


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Background Assessment of decisional capacity requires thorough clinical review of a patient’s current psychiatric symptoms and cognitive processes. The assessment to determine the patient’s capacity for self-management postdischarge is a different clinical concept from decisional capacity. Objectives Standardized guidelines for capacity determinations (both for informed consent and for disposition) would be helpful to clinicians, patients, and their caregivers. Method The authors reviewed the recent clinical literature on neuropsychiatric illnesses associated with impaired decisional capacity, as well as for the term “dispositional capacity.” Results Neurocognitive disorders and neurologic disorders are commonly associated with impaired decisional capacity; other psychiatric illnesses are less commonly associated. There were no articles identified that used the term “dispositional capacity” to describe a subtype of decisional capacity determination. No definition or guidelines for determination of dispositional capacity were found. Conclusions Routine evaluation for neurocognitive disorders including standardized cognitive assessment should be included in decisional capacity determinations. There is a need for a new subtype of decisional capacity determination, for which we propose the term “dispositional capacity.” This concept is introduced and defined. For dispositional capacity determinations, supplementation of the usual decisional capacity evaluation with in vivo demonstration of self-management skills is recommended. Decisional and dispositional capacity determination is conceptualized with a biopsychosociocultural approach and guidelines for standardized assessment are presented.



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