首页> 外文期刊>Psycho-Oncology: Journal of the Psychological Social and Behavioral Dimensions of Cancer >How I nearly kicked the bucket and stumbled into a new phenomenological understanding of the meaning of life: the consolation of philosophy, psychoanalysis and the arts

How I nearly kicked the bucket and stumbled into a new phenomenological understanding of the meaning of life: the consolation of philosophy, psychoanalysis and the arts


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Where is the meaning in illness? How can a realisation of my own mortality make life worth living? My experience of surviving ALL, living with fatigue, compromised immunity and frequent illness has been difficult, physically, socially and psychologically. Since retirement, I have struggled to find meaning in my life and experienced depression, anxiety and hopelessness. Artists - writers, musicians, etc - have long contemplated these questions as have the great philosophers. They are a rich source of wisdom for the cancer survivor. From Tolstoy's'The Death of Ivan llyich'to Alain de Botton's 'Status Anxiety', there is much consolation to be found.
机译:疾病中的意义在哪里? 如何实现自己的死亡率使生活变得有价值? 我幸存下来,疲劳,损害免疫和频繁疾病的幸福体验一直很困难,身体,社会和心理。 自退休后,我努力在我的生活中找到意义,经历过抑郁症,焦虑和绝望。 艺术家 - 作家,音乐家等 - 长期以来要有很好的哲学家。 他们是癌症幸存者的丰富智慧来源。 来自托尔斯泰的Ivan Llyich'to Alain de Botton'地位焦虑'的死亡,有很多安慰。



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