首页> 外文期刊>Psychological science: a journal of the American Psychological Society >Symmetric Objects Become Special in Perception Because of Generic Computations in Neurons

Symmetric Objects Become Special in Perception Because of Generic Computations in Neurons


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Symmetry is a salient visual property: It is easy to detect and influences perceptual phenomena from segmentation to recognition. Yet researchers know little about its neural basis. Using recordings from single neurons in monkey IT cortex, we asked whether symmetry-being an emergent property-induces nonlinear interactions between object parts. Remarkably, we found no such deviation: Whole-object responses were always the sum of responses to the object's parts, regardless of symmetry. The only defining characteristic of symmetric objects was that they were more distinctive compared with asymmetric objects. This was a consequence of neurons preferring the same part across locations within an object. Just as mixing diverse paints produces a homogeneous overall color, adding heterogeneous parts within an asymmetric object renders it indistinct. In contrast, adding identical parts within a symmetric object renders it distinct. This distinctiveness systematically predicted human symmetry judgments, and it explains many previous observations about symmetry perception. Thus, symmetry becomes special in perception despite being driven by generic computations at the level of single neurons.
机译:对称性是一个突出的视觉特性:很容易检测和影响来自分段的感知现象来识别。然而,研究人员对其神经网络的内容知之甚少。在猴子IT皮质中使用单个神经元的录音,我们询问对称是一种紧急性的属性 - 引起物体部件之间的非线性相互作用。值得注意的是,我们发现没有这样的偏差:无论对称性如何,全对象响应始终是对物体部分的响应的总和。对称对象的唯一定义特征是与不对称对象相比更独特。这是神经元更喜欢对象内的位置的相同部分的结果。正如混合各种涂料一样,产生均匀的整体颜色,在不对称物体内添加异构部分,使其变得模糊。相比之下,在对称对象中添加相同的部分使其呈现。这种独特性系统地预测了人类对称判断,并解释了许多关于对称感知的观察。因此,尽管通过单一神经元水平的通用计算驱动,对称性在感知中变得特别。



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