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Dynamic Norms Promote Sustainable Behavior, Even if It Is Counternormative


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It is well known that people conform to normative information about other people's current attitudes and behaviors. Do they also conform to dynamic norms-information about how other people's behavior is changing over time? We investigated this question in three online and two field experiments. Experiments 1 through 4 examined high levels of meat consumption, a normative and salient behavior that is decreasing in the United States. Dynamic norms motivated change despite prevailing static norms, increasing interest in eating less meat (Experiments 1-3) and doubling meatless orders at a cafe (Experiment 4). Mediators included the anticipation of less meat eating in the future (preconformity) and the inference that reducing meat consumption mattered to other people (Experiments 2 and 3). In Experiment 5, we took advantage of a natural comparison to provide evidence that dynamic norms can also strengthen social-norm interventions when the static norm is positive; a positive dynamic norm resulted in reduced laundry loads and water use over 3 weeks during a drought.
机译:众所周知,人们符合其他人当前态度和行为的规范信息。他们还符合动态规范 - 有关其他人行为如何随时间变化的信息?我们在三个在线和两个现场实验中调查了这个问题。实验1到4检测了高水平的肉类消费,其在美国正在减少的规范性和突出行为。尽管普遍存在的静态规范,动态规范动力变化,但在咖啡馆的肉(实验4)上增加了肉类(实验1-3)和加倍无肉令(实验4)的兴趣。调解员包括未来较少的肉类(预先形式)的预期和减少肉类消费对其他人的推断(实验2和3)。在实验5中,我们利用自然比较来提供有证据表明当静态范围是积极的时,动态规范也可以加强社会规范的干预措施;在干旱期间,阳性动态范围导致衣物载荷减少,用水超过3周。



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