首页> 外文期刊>Progress in pediatric cardiology >The United States pediatric cardiology 2015 workforce assessment: A survey of current training and employment patterns A Report of the American College of Cardiology, American Heart Association,American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery,and Society for Pediatric Cardiology Training Program Directors

The United States pediatric cardiology 2015 workforce assessment: A survey of current training and employment patterns A Report of the American College of Cardiology, American Heart Association,American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery,and Society for Pediatric Cardiology Training Program Directors


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The number of pediatric cardiology trainees in the United States doubled between 2004 and 2015, but there is a lack of information on the current pediatric cardiology workforce. Therefore, a survey was administered to members of the American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery and to nonduplicative board-certified or -eligible pediatric cardiologists. Of 2897 individuals contacted, 823 completed the survey (28%), with a higher response rate among program directors (87%) and division chiefs (71%). Program directors reported that in the academic years of 2013/2014 and 2014/2015,140 of the 237 (59%) fellows completing the 3-year core training program went on to additional subspecialty training, and of these, 125 (89%) accepted academic positions. The other 97 graduates accepted positions after the 3-year core fellowship; 51 (53%) of these went into academic settings, whereas 46 (36%) joined a private practice. The most difficult fields in which to find jobs were cardiac catheterization, electrophysiology, and general cardiology. The easiest fields in which to find positions were critical care cardiology, heart failure/transplant, and adult congenital cardiology.
机译:2004年至2015年,美国的儿科心脏病学培训人数翻了一番,但缺乏关于目前儿科心脏病学劳动力的信息。因此,向美国儿科学研究部分的成员提供了一项调查,并对心脏病和心脏手术和不合格的董事会认证或雇佣性的儿科医生进行了调查。在2897人联系的人中,823人完成了调查(28%),方案董事(87%)和司司长(71%)之间的响应率较高。计划董事报告说,在2013/2014年和2014年至2014年至2014/2015,120的237(59%)研究员中,完成了3年的核心培训计划,并参加了其他亚专业培训,其中125名(89%)接受的学术职位。其他97毕业生在3年核心奖学金后接受了职位; 51(53%)这些进入学术环境,而46(36%)加入私人惯例。找到工作的最困难的领域是心脏导管插入,电生理学和普通心脏病学。最容易找到职位的最简单的领域是关键护理心脏病学,心力衰竭/移植和成人先天性心脏病学。



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