首页> 外文期刊>Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology: An International Journal for the Geo-Sciences >Bioerosion in shells from the Early Permian Rio Bonito Formation, Brazil: Taphonomic, paleobiological, and paleoecological implications

Bioerosion in shells from the Early Permian Rio Bonito Formation, Brazil: Taphonomic, paleobiological, and paleoecological implications


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We report the occurrence of sponge borings in composite molds of heteropectinid shells from Early Permian marine siliciclastic deposits of the Parana Basin of southern Brazil. Sponge borings are preserved mainly as chambers (Entobia) and channels (Entobia and Clionolithes). Three preservational variations of Entobia are present, morphologically equivalent to the alpha, beta, and gamma ontogenetic stages of clionid sponges. This equivalence suggests that the ontogenetic behavior in clionid sponges remains the same since Early Permian times and points to a conservative evolutionary trend for this group. The pattern of bioerosion and other taphonomic signatures indicate rapid shell burial due to frequent and energetic storm events that might have limited the time available for bioerosion activity. The new findings improve the Paleozoic record of Entobia and Clionolithes and indicate that sponge borings have potential to be preserved in ancient siliciclastic rocks.
机译:我们在巴西南部帕拉纳盆地的早期二叠系植物壳体复合模具中报告了海绵硼的发生。 海绵硼管主要被保存为腔室(诱捕)和渠道(诱捕和Clionolithes)。 存在诱捕的三种保存变化,形态学相当于Clionid海绵的α,β和γ甲型序列。 这种等价表明,自增殖海绵中的植入行为仍然是相同的,因为初期的次数并指向该群体的保守进化趋势。 生物渗透和其他染学签名的模式表明,由于频繁和充满活力的风暴事件可能限制了生物统治活动的时间的频繁和充满活力的风暴事件,这表明了快速的贝壳。 新发现改善了诱捕诱捕和克罗西洛思的古生代记录,并表明海绵钻有潜力在古代矽岩岩石中被保存。



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