首页> 外文期刊>Agrarwirtschaft >Der Zusammenhang zwischen technischer Effizienz und wirtschaftlichem Erfolg: Eine Analyse fur bayerische Milchviehbetriebe. (The Relationship between Technical Efficiency and Economic Success: The Case of Bavarian Dairy Farms. With English summary.)

Der Zusammenhang zwischen technischer Effizienz und wirtschaftlichem Erfolg: Eine Analyse fur bayerische Milchviehbetriebe. (The Relationship between Technical Efficiency and Economic Success: The Case of Bavarian Dairy Farms. With English summary.)

机译:技术效率与经济成功之间的联系:巴伐利亚奶牛场的分析。 (技术效率与经济成功之间的关系:以巴伐利亚奶牛场为例。英文摘要。)

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The objective of this article is to reveal the relationship between technical efficiency and the economic success of dairy farms and to determine farm specific factors affecting both. The data set contains observations of more than 2,000 Bavarian dairy farms in an unbalanced panel covering the years 2000 to 2008. We use the stochastic frontier approach to analyze the technical efficiency of farms. Economic success is measured by the performance indicator "Nettorentabilitat", which is the rate of return on farm owned production factors. Findings show an average technical efficiency of 88.2% and an average "Nettorentabilitat" of approximately 57%. A rank correlation test indicates a strong positive relationship between technical efficiency and economic success. We calculate the marginal effects of possible determinants of technical efficiency and economic success and reveal that both improve with farm mangers education level, full-time farming and soil quality.
机译:本文的目的是揭示奶牛场的技术效率与经济成功之间的关系,并确定影响两者的特定农场因素。该数据集包含对2000到2008年间不平衡面板中超过2,000个巴伐利亚奶牛场的观察结果。我们使用随机前沿方法分析农场的技术效率。经济成功由绩效指标“ Nettorentabilitat”衡量,该指标是农场拥有的生产要素的回报率。调查结果显示平均技术效率为88.2%,平均“ Nettorentabilitat”约为57%。等级相关检验表明技术效率与经济成功之间存在很强的正相关关系。我们计算了可能影响技术效率和经济成功的决定因素的边际效应,并揭示了两者都随着农场经理的教育水平,专职农业和土壤质量的提高而提高。



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