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Unburdening the Shoulders of Giants: A Quest for Disconnected Academic Psychology


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In current academic psychology, scholars typically develop their research and ideas by drawing on the work of other contemporary and preceding psychological scientists and by following certain conventions of the field. I refer to this variant of psychology as connected because the emphasis is on connecting various research findings and ideas generated by different scholars (e.g., by showing how they are related to each other via referencing). In this article, I argue that, although connected psychology advances psychological knowledge, it restricts the total amount of knowledge that could eventually be produced and therefore limits the potential of the discipline to improve the understanding of psychological phenomena. As a solution, I propose that, alongside the currently existing connected psychology, disconnected psychology should be established. In disconnected psychology, researchers develop their ideas by following the main principles of psychological method, but they are disconnected from a "field" consisting of other psychologists and therefore do not follow the discipline's norms and conventions. By drawing on one of the core constructs from information theory-information entropy-I argue that combining the two streams of psychology would result in the most significant advancement of psychological knowledge.
机译:在目前的学术心理学中,学者们通常通过借鉴其他当代和前一性心理科学家的工作以及遵循该领域的某些惯例来发展他们的研究和想法。我指的是这种心理学的变体,因为重点是连接不同学者产生的各种研究发现和想法(例如,通过展示它们如何通过引用彼此相关)。在本文中,我认为,尽管关联心理提出心理知识,但它限制了最终产生的知识总额,因此限制了学科的潜力,以提高对心理现象的理解。作为解决方案,我提出,除此之外,应建立断开的心理。在断开的心理学中,研究人员通过遵循心理方法的主要原则来发展他们的想法,但它们与其他心理学家组成的“田野”断开连接,因此不遵循纪律的规范和公约。通过绘制来自信息理论 - 信息熵的核心结构 - 我争辩说,组合两条心理流程会导致心理知识的最大进步。



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