首页> 外文期刊>Perspectives on Psychological Science >Conspiracy Theories: Evolved Functions and Psychological Mechanisms

Conspiracy Theories: Evolved Functions and Psychological Mechanisms


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Belief in conspiracy theories-such as that the 9/11 terrorist attacks were an inside job or that the pharmaceutical industry deliberately spreads diseases-is a widespread and culturally universal phenomenon. Why do so many people around the globe believe conspiracy theories, and why are they so influential? Previous research focused on the proximate mechanisms underlying conspiracy beliefs but ignored the distal, evolutionary origins and functions. We review evidence pertaining to two competing evolutionary hypotheses: (a) conspiracy beliefs are a by-product of a suite of psychological mechanisms (e.g., pattern recognition, agency detection, threat management, alliance detection) that evolved for different reasons, or (b) conspiracy beliefs are part of an evolved psychological mechanism specifically aimed at detecting dangerous coalitions. This latter perspective assumes that conspiracy theories are activated after specific coalition cues, which produce functional counterstrategies to cope with suspected conspiracies. Insights from social, cultural and evolutionary psychology provide tentative support for six propositions that follow from the adaptation hypothesis. We propose that people possess a functionally integrated mental system to detect conspiracies that in all likelihood has been shaped in an ancestral human environment in which hostile coalitions-that is, conspiracies that truly existed-were a frequent cause of misery, death, and reproductive loss.
机译:在阴谋中的信念 - 例如9/11恐怖袭击是一个内部工作或制药行业故意传播疾病 - 是一种广泛和文化普遍的现象。为什么全球各地的很多人都认为阴谋理论,为什么他们如此有影响力?以前的研究侧重于潜在的阴谋信念的近似机制,但忽略了远端,进化的起源和功能。我们审查了与两个竞争进化假设有关的证据:(a)阴谋信念是由于不同原因而演变的心理机制(例如,模式识别,机构检测,威胁管理,联盟检测)的副产品,或(b )阴谋信念是一个专门针对探测危险联盟的演进心理机制的一部分。后面的透视假设在特定联盟提示之后激活了阴谋理论,该联盟提示为应对疑似的阴谋而产生功能副格制作。社会,文化和进化心理学的见解提供了对自适应假设遵循的六个命题的初步支持。我们建议人们拥有一个功能综合的心理系统,以检测所有可能性在敌人联盟的祖先人类环境中塑造的阴谋 - 即真正存在的阴谋 - 是苦难,死亡和生殖丧失的常见原因。



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