首页> 外文期刊>Pediatric Pulmonology >The prevalence of hypercapnia during acute infection in children on chronic noninvasive ventilation: A retrospective study

The prevalence of hypercapnia during acute infection in children on chronic noninvasive ventilation: A retrospective study


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Abstract Background/Aim Children on chronic noninvasive ventilation are at risk for nonelective hospitalizations, mainly for acute infections. This study examined the prevalence of hypercapnia in children on chronic ventilatory support during an acute admission. Methods This retrospective study included children aged 0 to 18 years who regularly used bilevel positive airway pressure or continuous positive airway pressure at home, and who were diagnosed with an acute infection, and were hospitalized at the pediatrics department or pediatric intensive care unit. Capillary blood gas analysis and parameters of the built‐in software of the home ventilator were recorded. Results Among the 43 cases included, hypercapnia was prevalent in 23% with a mean partial pressure of carbon dioxide of 51.7?±?6.4?mm? Hg. These children also had lower oxygen saturation levels. The respiratory rate 48 hours before admission was significantly higher in the hypercapnic group and the volume guarantee mode was less frequently used in the hypercapnic group. Conclusion Approximately, a quarter of the cases of chronic home ventilation experience hypercapnia during an acute infection. Our data warrant a prospective study on the monitoring of respiratory rate in patients with chronic respiratory insufficiency as an indicator for hospitalizations with hypercapnia; we also recommend the use of volume guarantee mode of ventilation to prevent hypercapnia.
机译:摘要背景/患有慢性非侵入性通风的儿童面临着无需检查的风险,主要用于急性感染。本研究检测了在急性入学期间慢性通气支持儿童的Hypercapnia患病率。方法采用这项回顾性研究包括0至18岁的儿童定期使用Bilevel正气道压力或在家中连续的正气道压力,并被诊断出急性感染,并在儿科部门或儿科重症监护室住院。记录了荷载器毛细管血液气体分析和归属呼吸机软件的参数。结果43例中,Hypercapnia以23%普遍存在,均值的二氧化碳的平均压力为51.7?±6.4.4mm? Hg。这些儿童也具有较低的氧饱和水平。呼吸率48小时入院前的高碳酸钙群明显高,体积保证模式在高速群体中常用。结论大约是急性感染期间慢性家庭通风的四分之一患者。我们的数据保证了对慢性呼吸道不全患者呼吸率监测的预期研究,作为Hypercapnia住院治疗的指标;我们还建议使用音量保证通风方式,以防止Hypercapnia。



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