首页> 外文期刊>Submarine Fiber Optic Communications Systems >IOX Cable Ltd and Alcatel Submarine Networks to build first open cable connecting Mauritius and Rodrigues islands to South Africa and India

IOX Cable Ltd and Alcatel Submarine Networks to build first open cable connecting Mauritius and Rodrigues islands to South Africa and India

机译:IOX Cable Ltd和Alcatel Sublarine Networks建造一个连接毛里求斯和Rodrigues岛的首次开放电缆到南非和印度

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Spanning more than 8850 km, IOX Cable System will provide Mauritius with route diversity and connect Rodrigues for the first time to a submarine cable, enhancing ultra-high speed broadband services A new submarine cable system, IOX Cable System, spanning more than 8850 kilometers, will enhance communications capabilities along the India to South Africa route, providing the first open cable in Mauritius and connecting for the first time the island of Rodrigues.
机译:跨越8850公里,IOX电缆系统将为毛里求斯提供路线多样性,并将罗德里格连接到潜艇电缆,增强超高速宽带服务新的潜艇线系统,IOX电缆系统,跨越8850公里, 将加强印度沿南非路线的通信能力,为毛里求斯提供第一个开放式电缆,并在罗德里格岛第一次连接。



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