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Spatial Discontinuities in Support for Hydraulic Fracturing: Searching for a 'Goldilocks Zone'


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Recent research suggests that those located closer to energy development are, on average, more supportive of this development. However, case studies in specific locations reveal additional nuance. In a case study of Bakken Shale residents, Junod et al. identified a "Goldilocks Zone" of unconventional oil and gas development (UOGD) acceptance-an area on the periphery of development that is "just right" because residents feel close enough to receive economic benefits but far enough away to avoid negative impacts. We explore whether this Goldilocks Zone extends nationally by combining geocoded public opinion data (N = 23,154) with UOGD locations. Using multilevel regression modeling, we find that respondents located within 115 km of newly active UOGD are more supportive of hydraulic fracturing while those located within 115-305 km are comparatively less supportive. While we do not uncover a national-level Goldilocks Zone, our work highlights innovative approaches for examining spatial relationships in energy development opinion.
机译:最近的研究表明,那些靠近能源发展的人平均更加支持这一发展。然而,具体位置的案例研究显示了额外的细微差别。在Bakken Shale居民的案例研究中,Junod等人。确定了非传统石油和天然气开发(UOGD)接受的“金发姑娘区” - 一个“恰到好处”的外围区域的区域,因为居民感到足够接近,以获得经济效益,但足够远避免负面影响。我们探索该Goldilocks区域是否通过将GeoCoded公共意见数据(n = 23,154)与UOGD位置组合来全国范围内。使用多级回归建模,我们发现,位于115千米范围内的新主动UOGD的受访者更加支持液压压裂,而位于115-305公里范围内的那些较低的支持性。虽然我们没有揭示国家一级的金发姑娘区,但我们的工作突出了在能源发展意见中检查空间关系的创新方法。



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