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Looking for a White Male Effect in Generation Z: Race, Gender, and Political Effects on Environmental Concern and Ambivalence


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The White male effect has been presented in past literature as a way to explain the tendency for White males to have lower environmental concern and risk perceptions than female and non-White individuals. Recently, research has proposed the White male effect may be a conservative White male effect, due to findings that political ideology impacts environmental concern. This study used a sample of young college-educated adults from Generation Z to test whether the conservative White male effect is present for environmental concern and ambivalence toward a proenvironmental worldview in this younger generation. Online surveys were distributed to undergraduate students at a large northeastern university in spring of 2016. A total of 1,940 surveys were returned. Results showed a lack of a unique White male, or conservative White male, effect above and beyond differences explained by gender, Whiteness, and political affiliation. The implications of this effect's absence are discussed.
机译:在过去的文献中呈现了白色的效果,作为解释白人男性的趋势,与女性和非白人有关的白人男性的趋势和风险感知。 最近,研究提出了白色的男性效应可能是一种保守的白色男性效果,因为结果是政治意识形态影响环境问题。 本研究使用了来自发电Z的年轻大专学成人样本,以测试保守的白色男性效果是否为环境关注和矛盾,在这个年轻一代中的一个前景世界观。 在线调查分发给2016年春季东北大学的本科生。总共返回了1,940次调查。 结果表明,缺乏独特的白人男性,或保守的白人男性,效果以上和超越性别,白度和政治联盟解释的差异。 讨论了这种效果缺席的影响。



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