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Why Garden? Personal and Abiding Motivations for Community Gardening in New York City

机译:为什么花园? 纽约市社区园艺的个人和持久动机

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We explore the underlying motivations of NYC community gardeners in order to gain greater insight into how these valued public resources support individual and community well-being. Semi-structured interviews were used to capture a range of enduring gardener motivations over time. We find that the underlying motivations of NYC community gardeners are both personal and collective. For many, community gardens provide a space for reflection and for profound connection to the natural world. Gardening was reported to be restorative, and to help to strengthen an individual's connection to a larger community or cultural heritage. Themes of joy and personal fulfillment were consistently most prevalent over time, while the impulse to improve the community decreased in prevalence, and food production and cultural identity connections became more common motivations, possibly reflecting broader social shifts in NYC neighborhoods.
机译:我们探讨了纽约市区园林的潜在动机,以便更加了解这些有价值的公共资源如何支持个人和社区福祉。 半结构性访谈用于随着时间的推移捕获一系列持久的园丁动机。 我们发现纽约市区园丁的潜在动机都是个人和集体。 对于许多人来说,社区花园提供了一个反思的空间,并与自然界的深刻联系。 据报道园艺是恢复的,并帮助加强个人与更大社区或文化遗产的联系。 随着时间的推移,欢乐和个人履行的主题始终是最普遍的,而改善社区的冲动流行下降,粮食生产和文化身份联系变得更加普遍,可能反映了纽约河村的更广泛的社会转变。



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