首页> 外文期刊>North American Journal of Fisheries Management >Concurrently Assessing Survey Mode and Sample Size in Off-Site Angler Surveys

Concurrently Assessing Survey Mode and Sample Size in Off-Site Angler Surveys


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Off-site angler surveys are commonly administered via two or more survey modes in the form of a mixed-mode survey. Mixed-mode surveys allow survey administrators to attain the benefits inherent to different survey modes, reduce total survey error, and control survey cost. However, these benefits can only be simultaneously attained after undertaking sample size planning. Sample size planning is a trade-off analysis wherein a researcher concurrently assesses survey administration cost, the accuracy and precision of estimates, the magnitude and direction of biases, and variance of the test statistic to determine an optimal sample size. We used data from an off-site angler survey administered to anglers targeting White Sturgeon Acipenser transmontanus to illustrate a systematic approach to sample size planning. Our survey design included a mixed-mode design with three survey modes (e-mail, mail, and telephone) and a two-phase sampling design that had a first contact and a follow-up contact with a subsample of nonrespondents. Sample size planning was undertaken in the form of a sensitivity analysis wherein four survey design alternatives were simulated and assessed based on four criteria (i.e., bias, precision, accuracy, and cost). We also incorporated tests for nonresponse bias and survey mode effect. We found that (1) response rates were lower for e-mail surveys (22%) than for mail surveys and telephone surveys (39-44%); (2) nonresponse bias did not have a substantial effect on survey estimates from the mixed-mode design; and (3) estimates (total effort and total catch) from the mail and e-mail survey modes were significantly different, indicating a survey mode effect. The high variability of anglers' annual catch made survey estimates highly imprecise at lower sample sizes. The level of acceptable error varies for each study. Therefore, a systematic approach to sample size planning is necessary to determine the point where acceptable error is reached while considering multiple survey design alternatives.
机译:偏离现场垂钓调查通常通过混合模式调查的形式通过两种或更多种调查模式进行。混合模式调查允许调查管理员达到不同调查模式固有的好处,降低了总调查误差和控制调查成本。然而,这些益处只能在进行样本大小规划后同时达到。样本大小规划是一个权衡分析,其中研究人员同时评估调查管理成本,估计的准确性和精度,偏差的大小和方向,以及测试统计的方差,以确定最佳样本大小。我们使用从管理到瞄准白色鲟鱼Acipenser Transontanus的垂钓者的垂钓者调查中的数据来说明样本大小规划的系统方法。我们的调查设计包括一个混合模式设计,具有三种调查模式(电子邮件,邮件和电话)以及具有第一个接触的两相采样设计,以及与无回应者的子样本进行后续接触。以灵敏度分析的形式进行样本量规划,其中基于四个标准(即偏见,精度,准确度和成本)进行模拟和评估四种测量设计替代品。我们还融入了非响应偏见和调查模式效果的测试。我们发现(1)电子邮件调查(22%)低于邮件调查和电话调查(39-44%)的响应率降低; (2)非响应偏见对混合模式设计的调查估计没有大量影响; (3)据邮件和电子邮件调查模式估计(总努力和总捕获量)显着差异,表明调查模式效应。钓鱼者年度捕获量的高变异性调查估计在较低的样本尺寸下高度不精确。每项研究的可接受误差的水平变化。因此,需要一种对样本规划的系统方法来确定在考虑多次调查设计替代方案时达到可接受误差的点。



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