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Wuxing: An Investigation Into the Interpretations of Traditional Chinese Cosmology in Contemporary China


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This paper, based on the author's ethnographic descriptions, explores an alternative narrative of the relationship between traditional Chinese culture and 'Western science' in contemporary China. China is facing a revival of traditional culture at both governmental and official levels trying to call back the dominance of traditional cultures and cosmologies in China's social and political discourses as well as people's daily lives. Viewing China as culturally unique and relative to its Western counterparts is popular among the voices of traditional culture advocates. Yet the fortune-tellers in this paper have a different approach to this issue, claiming that traditional cosmology represented in the Five Agents is not culturally relative but more universal than any other cultures and cosmologies in the world, including science. This approach generates a form of cultural-cosmological hegemony that tries to absorb other types of cultures.
机译:本文根据作者的民族志描述,探讨了中国当代中国传统文化与“西方科学”关系的替代叙述。 中国正面临着政府和官方水平的传统文化复兴,试图呼吁在中国的社会和政治致命和人民日常生活中的传统文化和宇宙学的主导地位。 将中国视为文化上独特,而相对于西方同行在传统文化倡导者的声音中受欢迎。 然而,本文的算命先生对此问题有不同的方法,声称五个代理商代表的传统宇宙学不属于世界上任何其他文化和宇宙的相关性,包括科学。 这种方法产生了一种形式的文化宇宙学霸权,试图吸收其他类型的培养物。



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