首页> 外文期刊>Molecular therapy: the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy >Genome-wide Mapping of Off-Target Events in Single-Stranded Oligodeoxynucleotide-Mediated Gene Repair Experiments

Genome-wide Mapping of Off-Target Events in Single-Stranded Oligodeoxynucleotide-Mediated Gene Repair Experiments

机译:单链寡脱氧核苷酸介导的基因修复实验中的基因组 - 偏离靶发事件的映射

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Short single-stranded oligodeoxynucleotides are versatile molecular tools used in different applications. They enable gene repair and genome editing, and they are central to the antisense technology. Because the usability of single-stranded oligodeoxynucleotides depends on their efficiencies, as well as their specificities, analyzing their genotoxic off-target activities is important. Thus, we have developed a protocol that follows the fate of a biotin-labeled single-stranded oligodeoxynucleotide in human cells based on its physical incorporation into the targeted genome. Affected chromosomal fragments are enriched and preferably sequenced by nanopore sequencing. This protocol was validated in gene repair experiments without intentionally inducing a DNA double-strand break. For a 21-nucleotide-long phosphorothioate-modified oligodeoxynucleotide, we compiled a broad array of error-free incorporations, point mutations, indels, and structural rearrangements from actively dividing HEK293-derived cells. Additionally, we demonstrated the usefulness of this approach for primary cells by treating human CD34 + hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells with a 100-nucleotide-long unmodified oligodeoxynucleotide directed against the endogenous CYBB locus. This work should pave the way for future genotoxicity analyses. Concerning genome engineering approaches based on nuclease-induced DNA double-strand breaks, this protocol could aid in detecting the unwanted effects caused by the donor fragments themselves. Graphical Abstract Display Omitted The usability of single-stranded oligodeoxynucleotides (ssODNs) depends on their efficiencies and their specificities. To enable specificity analyses, Radecke et?al. have developed a protocol that they applied to lines and primary human hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells. ssODNs were found to cause diverse genome-wide genotoxic off-target events.



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