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Early life influences on the risk of injecting drug use: case control study based on the Edinburgh Addiction Cohort


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Aims To investigate childhood influences on onset of injection drug use. Design Matched case-control study. Setting Edinburgh, Scotland. Participants A total of 432 individuals presenting at a community health facility with injection drug use and 432 age- and sex-matched non-injecting controls recruited through the same facility. Measurements Main exposures considered were family structure and experience of public care, carer substance use, physical and sexual victimization and conduct problems, all measured at personal interview. The outcome was history of adult injection drug use recorded in medical records corroborated at personal interview. Findings Compared to two-parent families all other family structures were associated with increased risk of injection drug use, the greatest increased risk being associated with public care. Violence, criminality and financial problems in the family were also associated with increased risk, as were all types of carer substance use. The greatest increased risk was associated with markers of early conduct problems, particularly school exclusion and childhood contact with the criminal justice system. In multivariable analyses the strongest risk factors for later injecting were always having lived with a relative or family friend (not always a parent) and in care/adopted/foster home at any point [odds ratio (OR) = 2.66, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.02-6.92 and OR = 2.17, 95% CI: 0.91-5.17, respectively], experienced violence from parent or carer (OR = 2.06, 95% CI: 1.26, 3.38) and early evidence of conduct problems [ever excluded from school (OR = 2.73, 95% CI: 1.68, 4.45); childhood criminality (ever arrested by police pre-adult OR = 3.05, 95% CI: 1.90, 4.89, ever been in borstal/young offenders/list D school OR = 4.70, 95% CI: 2.02, 10.94)]. After adjustment for family structure and conduct problems, sexual victimization was associated weakly with injecting onset (OR = 1.29, 95% CI: 0.76-2.19). More than 70% of injection drug use onset appeared attributable to the risk factors identified. Conclusions Injection drug use in adults is associated strongly with prior childhood adversity, in particular not living with both parents and early conduct problems. Prevention initiatives should also consider these risk factors.
机译:目的调查儿童时期对注射毒品使用的影响。设计匹配的病例对照研究。设置苏格兰爱丁堡。参与者共有432人在社区卫生设施中注射毒品,并通过同一设施招募了432名年龄和性别匹配的非注射控件。衡量方法主要考虑的接触因素是家庭结构和公共护理经验,护理物质的使用,身体和性受害以及行为问题,这些都是在个人访谈中衡量的。结果是在个人访谈中证实的病历中记录的成人注射吸毒史。调查结果与双亲家庭相比,所有其他家庭结构与注射吸毒的风险增加有关,最大的风险与公共护理有关。家庭中的暴力,犯罪和经济问题也与增加的风险相关,所有类型的护理物质使用也是如此。风险增加最大的是早期行为问题的标志,尤其是学校被排斥和儿童与刑事司法系统的接触。在多变量分析中,以后注射的最强危险因素始终是与亲戚或家人朋友(并非总是父母)一起生活,并且在任何时候都在护理/收养/寄养家庭中[赔率(OR)= 2.66,95%置信区间(CI):1.02-6.92和OR = 2.17,95%CI:0.91-5.17],遭受父母或看护人的暴力侵害(OR = 2.06,95%CI:1.26、3.38)和行为问题的早期证据[曾经被学校排除在外(OR = 2.73,95%CI:1.68,4.45);儿童犯罪(曾经在成人之前被警察逮捕,OR = 3.05,95%CI:1.90,4.89,曾在色情/未成年人/ D名单学校里被OR = 4.70,95%CI:2.02,10.94)]。在调整了家庭结构和行为问题后,性受害与注射发作的相关性很弱(OR = 1.29,95%CI:0.76-2.19)。超过70%的注射毒品使用发作似乎归因于已确定的危险因素。结论成人注射毒品的使用与童年以前的逆境密切相关,特别是不能与父母同住和早期行为有问题。预防措施还应考虑这些风险因素。



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