首页> 外文期刊>Frontiers in bioscience: a journal and virtual library >Biologic response of sperm and seminal plasma to transient testicular heating ^z>Zhen-Ya Fang, Wei Xiao, Su-Ren Chen, Mei-Hua Zhang, Yi Qiu, Yi-Xun Liu

Biologic response of sperm and seminal plasma to transient testicular heating ^z>Zhen-Ya Fang, Wei Xiao, Su-Ren Chen, Mei-Hua Zhang, Yi Qiu, Yi-Xun Liu

机译:biologic response of sperm and seminal plasma to transient testicular heating ^在>Z很-ya fang, Wei ξ奥, SU-Re NC很, M诶-hu A Zhang, Y IQ IU, Y i-X UN l IU

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Currently, there are few male contraceptive methods that are purely based on prevention of the entry of the sperm into the female reproductive tract. An alternative approach for designing reversible male contraceptive is achieved by transient testicular heating (TTH). This treatment, through massive germ cell apoptosis, causes reversible oligospermia or azoospermia. Here, we describe as how TTH causes DNA damage, oxidative stress, apoptosis, autophagy, sperm protein expression, and alters the biochemical components of seminal plasma. Further understanding of TTH will help design safe and reversible male contraception.
机译:目前,很少有较少的男性避孕方法,纯粹是基于预防精子进入雌性生殖道。 通过瞬时睾丸加热(TTH)实现了设计可逆阳性避孕件的替代方法。 通过大规模生殖细胞凋亡,这种治疗导致可逆的寡核苷酸或脂肪植物。 在这里,我们描述了TTH如何导致DNA损伤,氧化应激,凋亡,自噬,精子蛋白表达,并改变精液的生化组分。 进一步了解Tth将有助于设计安全和可逆的男性避孕。



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